

Juli-files are secret files in the archive in Hungary (like Budapest) that keep track of a huge bribing - around 1989-1990 when 15 000 apartments were given out to the political or cultural elite - in order to have them as allies for the future when communism would be a past... Today MSZP and pres. Ferenc Gyurcsány is trying hard to destroy these files. This is a very delicate matter today - brought up by Magyar Hírlap...

In around 1989-90 when the "changes" took place (see: Revolutions of 1989) and Hungary changed for capitalism and democracy from socialism, and dictatorship 15 000 (fifteen thousand) people got the chance to buy former state-owned apartments - at zero or very-very reduced "discount" prices. The new owners were famous people or from political or cultural elite - as they say in Hungary - the "top 10 000" - which was now 15 000.

This act is not only about giving out gifts to nice people. It's rather about giving them a share - so that they would be loyal in the future to whoever gave them this gift. Also it's about creating a way to blackmail people who got these very expensive properties.

At the secret file archive there's a department called the 'Juli-document department" where among others they keep the list of these transactions of all the 15 000 apartments (consider the fact that these people are not anybodies - but famous people so 15 000 is a very large number).When ex-communist Gyula Horn (actually Gyula is the Hungarian name for Julius - but it's a coincidence only) was president (1994-1998) he gave this department of documents to a private company called: "Tabula Julianus LTD" .This company belongs to the company-empire of Antal Apro (big fish in communism, father in law of Ferenc Gyurcsány) and does document archiving, guarding and shredding.Those 15 000 apartments used to belong to political police - so anybody who got one of those could be compromised or blackmailed any time later.

Socialist government is busy working on destroying these documents - they are trying to privatize the archive so that the private company could have the rights to destroy them all. This is a very-very delicate matter - only Magyar Hírlap wrote about it so far.

----all the two articles in Hugarianpress about Juli-files

the article that has brought up "Juli-files" appared in Magyar Hírlap

[http://www.magyarhirlap.hu/Archivum_cikk.php?cikk=146346&archiv=1&next=60 article #1 - 2008-04-25 ]

[http://www.magyarhirlap.hu/Archivum_cikk.php?cikk=146357&archiv=1&next=50 article #2 - 2008-04-25 ]

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