- Eduardo H. Rapoport
Eduardo Hugo Rapoport is an Argentinian ecologist and emeritus professor at
Universidad Nacional del Comahue . His is widely known for his fundamental work onsoil biology , biological invasions,urban ecology and, in particular, for his contributions to the biogeography (seeRapoport's rule ).Eduardo Rapoport studied at the
National University of La Plata (1953-1956) and obtained hisdoctoral degree in 1956. He subsequently worked atUniversidad Nacional del Sur (1956-1966), in theVenezuela "Instituto de Zoología Tropical" (1967-1971), in "Fundación Bariloche" (1971-1978), at theInstituto Politécnico Nacional inMéxico (1978-1983), as aUNESCO expert in 1974 and, finally, at theUniversidad Nacional del Comahue inBariloche .Honours
*1986 Honorary member of the
Ecological Society of America
*1990 TWAS Award Winner, biologyThree genera and twelve species of
invertebrate animals have been named "rapoporti" to his honour.elected publications
*Rapoport, E.H. (1957) [http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v179/n4560/abs/179637b0.html Population studies on three species of Cladocera] . Nature 179: 637-638.
*Rapoport, E.H. & Rapoport, Osvaldo 1958. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02147871 Elementary biological functions and the concept of living matter. Acta Biotheoretica 13: 1-28.]
*Deboutteville, Delamare & Eduardo Rapoport, eds. (1962-1963) Biologie de l'Amérique Australe. Études sur la Faune du Sol. vols. 1-2. Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris. Vol. 1, 657 pp., 1962; vol. 2, 399 pp., 1963. (Reviewed in [http://www.sciencemag.org/content/vol146/issue3642/index.dtl Science 16 October 1964: 389-390] ).
*Rapoport, E.H. & Cangioli, G. 1963. Herbicides and the soil fauna. Pedobiologia 2: 235-238.
*Rapoport, E.H. & Sanchez, L. 1963. On the epineuston or the superaquatic fauna. Oikos 14 (1): 96-109. [http://www.jstor.org/pss/3564961 JStor]
*Rapoport, E.H. 1971. The geographical distribution of Neotropical and Antarctic
Collembola . Pacific Insects Monographs, 25: 99-118.*Rapoport, E.H. & Sanchez, L. 1968. Effect of organic fungicides on the soil microfauna. Pedobiologia 7: 317-322.
*Rapoport, E.H. 1969.
Gloger's Rule and pigmentation ofCollembola . Evolution 23: 622-626. [http://www.jstor.org/pss/2406857 JStor]*Rapoport, E. H. (1975). Areografía. Estrategias Geográficas de las Especies. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México.
*Rapoport, E. H. (1982). Areography. Geographical Strategies of Species. Translated by B. Drausal. Pergamon Press, Oxford. ISBN 978-0080289144*Reca, A. & Rapoport, E.H. 1975. Wire-gauze size and the efficiency of the Berlese-Tullgren's funnels. Pedobiologia 15: 330-335.
*Rapoport, E.H., Ezcurra, E. & Drausal, B. 1976. The distribution of plant diseases: A look into the biogeography of the future. Journal of Biogeography 3 (4): 365-372. [http://www.jstor.org/pss/3037978 JStor]
*Rapoport, E.H. 1976. Species transported by man: A different kind of pollution? Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre, Univ. London, Rep. W.2.3.: 1-100.
*Ezcurra, E., Rapoport, E.H., & Marino, C.R. 1978. The geographical distribution of insect pests. Journal of Biogeography 5 (2): 149-157. [http://www.jstor.org/pss/3038169 JStor]
*Rapoport, E.H.& Ezcurra, E. 1979. Natural and man-made biogeography in Africa. A comparison between birds and phytopathogens. Journal of Biogeography 6 (4): 341-348. [http://www.jstor.org/pss/3038086 JStor]
*Grigera, D. & Rapoport, E.H. 1983. Status and distribution of the European hare in South America. Journal of Mammalogy, 64 (1): 163-164. [http://www.jstor.org/pss/1380771 JStor]
*Rapoport, E.H., Borioli, G., Monjeau, J.A., Puntieri, J.E., & Oviedo, R.D. 1986. The design of nature reserves. A simulation trial for assessing specific conservation value. Biological Conservation 37: 269-290.
*Rapoport, E.H. 1993. Remarks on marine and continental biogeography: an areographical viewpoint. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences 343: 71-78. [http://www.jstor.org/pss/55759 JStor]
*Rapoport, E.H. & Drausal, B.S. 2001. Edible plants. In: Simon Levin (ed.), Encyclopedia of Biodiversity Vol. II: 375-382. Academic Press.
*Rapoport, E.H. 2000. [http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0716-078X2000000200012&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en Remarks on the biogeography of land invasions] . Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 73 (2): 367-380.
*Pauchard, A., Cavieres, L., Bustamante, P. & Rapoport, E. 2004. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/B:BINV.0000022137.61633.09 Increasing the understanding of plant invasions in southern South America. Biological Invasions 6 (2): 255-257.]
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