- Camp de Rivesaltes
The Camp de Rivesaltes is military camp in France (also called camp
Joffre ) located on the territory of the commune ofRivesaltes in Southern France. The camp was also used for interning several civil populations from 1939 – 2007. The darkest period of the camp was 1942 when more than 2000 juifs of the Rivesaltes Camp were transferred (viaDrancy internment camp ) to Auschwitz (Auschwitz concentration camp ) for final extermination.Sources
*Anne Boitel, "Le Camp de Rivesaltes 1941-1942", Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, Mare Nostrum, Perpignan, 2001.
*Joël Mettay, "L’Archipel du mépris", Trabucaire, Perpignan, 2001.
*Abderamen Moumen, "Entre histoire et mémoire. Les rapatriés d'Algérie. Dictionnaire bibliographique", Gandini, Nice, 2003.
*Denis Peschanski, "La France des camps", Gallimard, Paris, 2002
External links
* [http://www.anglophone-direct.com/Rivesaltes-internment-camp-camp / Rivesaltes internment camp/]
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