

Until , January 1, 2007 Bramming was a municipality (Danish, "kommune") in Ribe County on the west coast of the Jutland peninsula in southwest Denmark. The municipality covered an area of 170 km², and had a total population of 13,638 (2005). Its last mayor was Karl Kristian Knudtzen, a member of the Venstre (Liberal Party) political party. The main town and the site of its municipal council was the town of Bramming.

Bramming municipality ceased to exist as the result of "Kommunalreformen" ("The Municipality Reform" of 2007). It was merged with former Ribe and Esbjerg municipalities to form the new Esbjerg municipality. This created a municipality with an area of 741 km² and a total population of 114,097 (2005). The new municipality belongs to the Region Syddanmark ("South Denmark Region").

External links

* [ Esbjerg municipality's official website] da icon


* Municipal statistics: [ NetBorger Kommunefakta] , delivered from [ KMD] aka Kommunedata (Municipal Data)
* Municipal mergers and neighbors: [ Eniro new municipalities map]

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