- Encrypted PIN Pad
An Encrypted PIN Pad is the apparatus and methods for encrypting an identifier such as a PIN entered on a keypad.
apparatus includes apad , anencrypting circuit that isadjacent the pad and alink coupling the pad and the encrypting circuit. The pad is for entering an identifier, and the circuit for encrypting the entered identifier. The pad may be a physicaltouch pad such as anN-wire technology touch pad. Alternatively, the pad may be avirtual touch screen . The encrypting circuit may be aCPU along with a memory coupled to the CPU and programmed to encrypt. The CPU and programmedmemory may be the first CPU programmable to encrypt the enteredidentifier , through which theidentifier passes . The encrypting circuit may be a micro controller programmed to encrypt. In still another variation, the encrypting circuit may be an application-specificintegrated circuit (ASIC ). The apparatus may include a housing that encloses the encrypting circuit and link. The housing would be resistant toaccess ,tampering ortapping . The housing may be at least partially ofchip-on-glass technology. The encrypting circuit may beembedded in thehousing , as may the link. Amethod for encrypting an identifier includes placing a pad for entering an identifier, a circuit for encrypting an identifier and a link communicative coupling the pad and the circuit adjacent in an access-resistant housing. An identifier is entered on the pad and communicated to the encryptingcircuit . The encrypting circuit encrypts the identifier. The encrypted identifier may be forwarded forverification .Related Links
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