Thuringen Field Pigeon

Thuringen Field Pigeon

The Thuringen Field Pigeon is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding.cite book |last=Levi |first=Wendell |title= The Pigeon|year= 1977|publisher= Levi Publishing Co, Inc|location= Sumter, S.C.|isbn=0853900132 ] Thuringen Field Pigeons, along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons, are all descendants from the Rock Pigeon ("Columba livia").The breed is known for several different colors and markings. Varieties include the "Thuringen Breast", "Thuringen Monk", "Thuringen Shield" (picture), "Thuringen Whitetail" and the "Thuringen Spot". The breed can be either plain or shell crested, but is always clean-legged. [ Seymour, Rev. Colin (Ed)(2006) "Australian Fancy Pigeons National Book of Standards".]


See also

*List of pigeon breeds

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