

Jinenkan (in Japanese 自然舘) is a Japanese kobudo organization. The name means "Hall of Nature," reflecting an emphasis on natural movements and the strength found in nature and the environment. Jinenkan is one of three organizations teaching Takamatsu-den martial arts (see X-kan). The incumbent headmaster is Manaka (Fumio) Unsui. The Jinenkan teaches taijutsu, bikenjutsu, bōjutsu, sojutsu, naginatajutsu, tantojutsu, tessenjutsu, juttejutsu, kusarigama, and more. All training is done strictly according to the Densho.

Ryuha of the Jinenkan

*Koto Ryu
*Gyokko Ryu
*Takagi Yoshin Ryu
*Kukishin Ryu
*Shinden Fudo Ryu
*Togakure Ryu
*Jinen Ryu


The Jinenkan (as well as the Jinen Ryu) was founded in 1996 by Manaka Fumio, then a senior student of Masaaki Hatsumi.


The current series of ranks in the Jinenkan are:

* Mukyu
* Sankyu (third grade green belt)
* Nikyu (second grade purple belt)
* Ikkyu (first grade brown belt)
* Shodan (first degree black belt)
* Nidan (second degree black belt)
* Sandan (third degree black belt)
* Yondan (fourth degree black belt)
* Godan (fifth degree black belt)

Manaka allows authorized Dojo-cho's (instructors) to have their own ranking system below Sankyu (third kyu) e.g. 6, 5, and 4 kyu-grades.

External links

* [http://www.jinenkan.com/ Official Jinenkan Hombu Dojo Web Site]
* [http://www.manaka2008.se Manaka's June 2008 Seminar in Orebro, Sweden]

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