Homosexuality and Scientology

Homosexuality and Scientology

Scientology views of homosexuality are based on the writings of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church of Scientology. His statements about homosexuality have given rise to assertions from critics that Scientology promotes homophobia. These allegations are disputed by some gay Scientologists.

Classification of homosexuality

In 1950 Hubbard published "", introducing his "science of the mind," Dianetics. He classified homosexuality as an illness or sexual perversion, citing contemporary psychiatric and psychological textbooks to support his view:

:"The sexual pervert (and by this term Dianetics, to be brief, includes any and all forms of deviation in Dynamic II [i.e. sexuality] such as homosexuality, lesbianism, sexual sadism, etc., and all down the catalog of Ellis and Krafft-Ebing) is actually quite ill physically... he is very far from culpable for his condition, but he is also far from normal and extremely dangerous to society..." [Hubbard, "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health", pp. 122-123. Church of Scientology of California, 1978 edition. ISBN 0-88404-000-3]

Hubbard further defined perversion in his 1951 book "". Here he introduced the concept of the "tone scale", a means of classifying individuals and human behaviour on a chart running from +40 (the most beneficial) to -40 (the least beneficial). Sexual perversion, a category in which he included homosexuality, was termed "covert hostility" and given a score of 1.1, "the level of the pervert, the hypocrite, the turncoat, ... the subversive." Such people were "skulking coward [s] who yet contains enough perfidious energy to strike back, but not enough courage ever to give warning."Hubbard, "Science of Survival", pp. 88-90. Church of Scientology of California, 1975 edition. ISBN 0-88404-001-1]

He characterized "promiscuity, perversion, sadism, and irregular practices" as well as "Free Love, easy marriage and quick divorce" as being undesirable activities, "since it is non-survival not to have a well ordered system for the creation and upbringing of children, by families." Sexual perverts engaged in "irregular practices which do anything but tend toward the creation of children" and "efforts [which] tend not towards enjoyment but toward the pollution and derangement of sex itself so as to make it as repulsive as possible to others and so to inhibit procreation."Hubbard, "Science of Survival", p. 114-115, 159. Church of Scientology of California, 1975 edition. ISBN 0-88404-001-1]

Hubbard's 1951 book "Handbook for Preclears" likewise classified homosexuality as "about 1.1 on the tone scale", along with "general promiscuity". He set out what he saw as the cause of homosexuality: a mental "aberration", with the result that "an individual aberrated enough about sex will do strange things to be a cause or an effect. He will substitute punishment for sex. He will pervert others. Homosexuality comes from this manifestation and from the manifestation of life continuation for others." The "aberration" was caused by a child trying to "continue the life" of a dominant parent of the opposite sex.Hubbard, "Handbook for Preclears", p. 64. Scientific Press, Wichita, 1951]

Hubbard's views on homosexuality were given a fuller explanation in a 1972 book by Scientologist Ruth Minshull, "How To Choose Your People", which was published through the Church of Scientology, copyrighted to Hubbard and given "issue authority" by the Scientology hierarchy. Scientology churches sold the book alongside the works of Hubbard until 1983. [Eric Townsend, "The Sad Tales of Scientology", p. 65. Anima Publishing, 1985. ISBN 0-9510471-0-8] Minshull described the "gentle-mannered homosexual" as a classic example of the "subversive" 1.1 personality, commenting that they "may be fearful, sympathetic, propitiative, griefy or apathetic. Occasionally they manage an ineffectual tantrum." They were claimed to be social misfits:

:"Homosexuals don't practice love; 1.1s can't. Their relationships consist of: 1) brief, sordid and impersonal meetings or 2) longer arrangements punctuated by dramatic tirades, discords, jealousies and frequent infidelity. It could hardly be otherwise since the tone is made up of suspicion and hate, producing a darling sweetness interspersed with petty peevishness. Their "love" turns to deep contempt eventually." [Ruth Minshull, "How To Choose Your People", chapter 9. Scientology Ann Arbor, 1972]

Homosexuals had no redeeming "social value," in Minshull's view. She cautioned that "homosexuals should not be abused or ridiculed. But a society bent on survival must recognize any aberration as such and seek to raise people out of the low emotion that produces it."

Hubbard's views on homosexuality may account for his treatment of Quentin Hubbard, his son. Quentin died of an apparent suicide in 1976, and was largely reported to have been a homosexual [http://www.whyaretheydead.net/Quentin_Hubbard_22/index.html] .

"Curing" homosexuality?

There is some evidence that Hubbard's Dianetics movement sought to use Dianetics to "cure" homosexuality. In January 1951, the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation of Elizabeth, NJ published "Dianetic Processing: A Brief Survey of Research Projects and Preliminary Results", a booklet providing the results of psychometric tests conducted on 88 people undergoing Dianetics therapy. It presents case histories and a number of X-ray plates to support claims that Dianetics had cured "aberrations" including manic depression, asthma, arthritis, colitis and "overt homosexuality," and that after Dianetic processing, test subjects experienced significantly increased scores on a standardized IQ test. [Benton, Peggy; Ibanex, Dalmyra.; Southon, Gordon; Southon, Peggy. "Dianetic Processing: A Brief Survey of Research Projects and Preliminary Results", Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, 1951]

In Hubbard's 1951 book "Handbook for Preclears", he set out instructions for Dianeticists to "cure" homosexuality. After claiming that the cause of homosexuality was a fixation on a dominant parent of the opposite sex, he advised: "Break this life continuum concept by running sympathy and grief for the dominant parent and then run off the desires to be an effect and their failures and the homosexual is rehabilitated."

Hubbard urged society to tackle the issue of sexual perversion (including homosexuality), calling it "of vital importance, if one wishes to stop immorality, and the abuse of children." In "Science of Survival", he called for drastic action to be taken against sexual perverts, whom he rated as "1.1 individuals":

:"Such people should be taken from the society as rapidly as possible and uniformly institutionalized; for here is the level of the contagion of immorality, and the destruction of ethics; here is the fodder which secret police organizations use for their filthy operations. One of the most effective measures of security that a nation threatened by war could take would be rounding up and placing in a cantonment, away from society, any 1.1 individual who might be connected with government, the military, or essential industry; since here are people who, regardless of any record of their family's loyalty, are potential traitors, the very mode of operation of their insanity being betrayal. In this level is the slime of society, the sex criminals, the political subversives, the people whose apparently rational activities are yet but the devious writhings of secret hate."

In later years, Hubbard sought to distance himself from efforts to regulate the sexual affairs of lay Scientologists. In a 1967 policy letter, he declared: "It has never been any part of my plans to regulate or to attempt to regulate the private lives of individuals. Whenever this has occurred, it has not resulted in any improved condition... Therefore all former rules, regulations and polices relating to the sexual activities of Scientologists are cancelled." [cite paper |author=L. Ron Hubbard |title="Second Dynamic Rules", HCOPL of 11 August 1967 |publisher=Hubbard Communications Office |date=1967-08-11] Members of the Sea Org remained under strict rules according to a 1978 order. [cite paper |author=L. Ron Hubbard |title="2-D Rules", Flag Order 3739 21 December 1978 |publisher=Hubbard Communications Office |date=1978-12-21 |quote=The Sea Org is an elite group and therefore should have very high and optimum ethical standards.]

Current Church of Scientology viewpoints

Although Hubbard's views on homosexuality remain unamended in modern editions of Scientology books, gay Scientologists have argued that Hubbard and the Church have set aside any anti-homosexual views expressed in the past.

In 2002 the American Church of Scientology published a press release on its website quoting gay activist Keith Relkin as saying, "Over the years I have worked with the Church of Scientology for greater inclusion of gay people like me, and today represents a milestone in that progress." [ (archived at [http://web.archive.org/web/20030425104544/http://www.scientology.org/en_US/news-media/news/2002/021211.html http://web.archive.org/web/20030425104544/http://www.scientology.org/en_US/news-media/news/2002/021211.html] ).]

A 2004 article in the St. Petersburg Times reported that the Church defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. [cite news
title=About Scientology
work=St. Petersburg Times


Note: HCOB refers to "Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins", HCOPL refers to "Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letters", and SHSBC refers to "Saint Hill Special Briefing Courses". All have been made publicly available by the Church of Scientology in the past, both as individual documents or in bound volumes.

External links

;Scientology and gay rights
* [http://www.liveandgrow.org/images/fab_feb142003.jpgKeith Relkin Says Church of Scientology Wants Gays] Note: Link goes to Scientology related site, and information presented has no attribution as to where published.
* [http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_scie.htm The Church of Scientology® & homosexuality] Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
* [http://www.timberwoof.com/essays/scientology.html Scientology and Gay Rights]

;Celebrities and Scientology
* [http://www.eonline.com/news/article/index.jsp?uuid=6c29006a-429c-4b85-a2d6-98d74c347bff Cruise Sues Gay Porn Star]
* [http://www.lermanet.com/cos/FABMagazine.htm Fab! Magazine 1998]

;Gay Scientologists speak out
* [http://www.liveandgrow.org/fab-scn.html Keith Relkin ]

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