LEKAM is the name of the Classic Car Club of Macedonia (Λέσχη Κλασσικού Αυτοκινήτου Μακεδονίας "in Greek") which is currently the biggest and most active classic car club in North Greece.


Established in 1995 in Salonika (Θεσσαλονίκη "in Greek") it's fleet numbered only a handfull of cars but in recent years it's fleet has rose to more than 800 cars and almost more than 500 active members, including people from every social layer and every age.
LEKAM is also a member of FIVA (Federation Internationale de Voiture Anciennes).

LEKAM's Activities

Lekam organises events of social and cultural aspect,like tours off the main roads, expositions as well numerous classic car races involing people and cars from every part of Greece.


Unlike any other classic car club everyone who loves and cares about classic cars can register as a member of LEKAM whether he owns a classic car or not. The biggest role of LEKAM is to bring together and unite everyone from North Greece who loves and cares about classic cars giving them the chance to exchange experiences, knowledge and points of views on everything that has to do about classic cars.

External links

* [http://lekam.gr/el/default.asp] - The official site of LEKAM (in Greek)

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