- Edward Maisel
Edward Maisel ( -died March 21, 2008). [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9802E5D9133AF933A05750C0A96E9C8B63] He was born in Buffalo, New York. He went to
Harvard University where he graduatedMagna Cum Laude ; he was alsoPhi Beta Kappa . He was an internationally known writer onmusic andTai-Chi . He lived inNew York City for most of his life.He wrote "
Charles T. Griffes : the Life of an American Composer", the first definitive and still influential biography of this major early American composer. [Maisel, Edward "Charles Griffes: the Life of an American Composer", Alfred A. Knopf, 1984 ISBN 0-394-54081-6] The CD "The Songs of Charles T. Griffes" was produced by Mr. Maisel. TheKennedy Center 's Terrace Theater presented Mr. Maisel's production of of Griffes' final but unfinished masterpiece "Salut au Monde".Mr. Maisel wrote the first Western manual of the classic
Yang form ofTai Chi using the title "Tai Chi for Health". This classic was published in the early 60s. He was Director of the American Physical Fitness Research Institute and a consultant to thePresident's Council on Physical Fitness . [Maisel, Edward "Tai Chi for Health", Dell Publishing Co. Inc., 1963 ISBN 10: BOOOUCDZ3M]Edward Maisel worked extensively with the
Alexander Technique and wrote an introduction to a compendium of Alexander's writings he himself selected. [Maisel, Edward "The Resurrection of the Body", Dell Publishing Co. Inc., 1969 ISBN 10: 0440573742]Footnotes
* F. M. Alexander "Constructive Conscious Control of the Individual" Introduction by Professor
John Dewey , E. P. Dutton & Co., 1923 ISBN 0-913111-11-2* Cheng Man-ching & Robert W. Smith "Tai Chi", Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1967 ISBN 10: 0804805601
* Cheng Man-ching "13 Chapters on Tai Chi Chuan", Sweet Chi Press, 1982 ISBN 0-912059-00-1
External links
* [http://www.nypl.org/research/manuscripts/music/musgriffes.xml Inventory of the Charles Griffes Collection at The New York Public Library]
* [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00016ZKPS Charles Griffes CD]
* [http://www.stat.org.uk/ The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique]
* [http://www.scheele.org/lee/tcclinks.html Tai Chi Chuan Web]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_hCCTTG3UY Yang Tai Chi Chuan DVD]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOB5ImcQMC8&feature=related Yang Tai Chi Chuan Past Grandmaster]
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