

Coordinates: 51°4300N 0°2122W / 51.7168°N 0.356°W / 51.7168; -0.356

Spielplatz (German for playground) is believed to be the UK's second oldest naturist club, and consists of 12 acres (5 hectares) (49,000 m²) located in the village of Bricket Wood, in the county of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.

Spielplatz was founded in 1929 by Charles Macaskie and his wife Dorothy. They moved from London into a tent on an area of virgin woodland they purchased near Bricket Wood. They called their utopian camp the Green Monastery and a Play Place (Spielplatz).

They were joined by other couples and individuals on weekends. Among their visitors until 1947 was Ross Nichols, founder of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. In turn he attracted both fellow Druids and Gerald Gardner, who later established his first coven at Bricket Wood in his development of Wicca as a modern religion.

It was at Spielplatz that Ross Nichols first met Gerald Gardner.[1]

Spielplatz has featured in many films such as Nudist Memories (1959) and Confettii (2006). The most notable film is however Naked as Nature Intended. The film was the first feature produced by Michael Klinger and Tony Tenser. It was directed by Harrison Marks and starred Pamela Green, the noted model, who had been a member of Spielplatz for a number of years. The film premiered in 1961 as the debut feature of the newly refurbished Cameo-Moulin in Windmill Street London.

See also

Notes and references

  1. ^ Druid Mysteries, Philip Carr-Gomm

External links

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