Mario Héber Usher

Mario Héber Usher

Mario Héber Usher (1921-1980) was a Uruguayan political figure.



Mario Héber was a prominent member of the Uruguayan National (Blanco) Party. His parents were Alberto Héber Uriarte and Blanca Usher Conde. He was from a well-known political family; his brother Alberto Héber was President of Uruguay from 1966 to 1967; his son Luis Alberto Héber is a National Party Senator and former Deputy.

Elected offices

In 1958 he was elected a Deputy. Usher was President of the Chamber of Deputies of Uruguay from March 1, 1966 to March 1, 1967. In 1971 he was elected a Senator [1].

Family incident

In 1978 his wife, Cecilia Fontana, was assassinated by poison intended for himself, sent by an unknown person or group. This tragic incident has been widely blamed on political violence associated with the period of civilian-military rule in Uruguay, which began in 1973, after which Mario Héber and many other politicians were proscribed from political activities, but which he continued to pursue clandestinely.


He died in 1980.

See also



  1. ^ 'Mario Héber Usher', Wikipedia (in Spanish), es:Mario Heber,

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