

Infobox ski area
name= Pocol

lat_degrees= 46
lat_minutes= 32
lat_direction= N
long_degrees= 12
long_minutes= 07
long_direction= E
base_elevation= m
skiable_area= km²
lift_capacity= skiers/h

Pocol is a ski resort in the Veneto region of northeast Italy. The village is a "località" of the "comune" of Cortina d'Ampezzo, in the province of Belluno.


Pocol lies in the Dolomites, at 1535 meters above sea level.


Pocol also has a war cemetery established in 1935 which contains the remains of 9707 Italian soldiers (4455 unknown) and 37 Austrians.


Pocol is a popular area for skiing and snowboarding.


* [http://www.dolomiti.org/dengl/cortina/ci/cimaps/index.html Dolomiti.org interactive map showing Pocol]
* [http://www.maplandia.com/italy/veneto/belluno/pocol/ Maplandia location of Pocol]
* [http://ww1cemeteries.com/other_cemeteries_ext/pocol_war_cem.htm Pocol War Cemetery information]
* [http://skisnowboardeurope.com/cortinadampezzo/layout.html Ski and Snowboard Europe information on Cortina d'Ampezzo, including Pocol]

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