The proof of the pudding is in the eating

The proof of the pudding is in the eating

The proof of the pudding is in the eating is a proverb that means "You will not fully comprehend it until you try it" or "results are what count."

It is frequently rendered in the shorter form The proof is in the pudding, which dates back to the 1920s and came into common use in the United States in the 1950s. [ [ Proof of the pudding] (Michael Quinion, "World Wide Words")] The "American Heritage Dictionary" trims it even further, to proof in pudding. [ [ Where does the phrase "the proof is in the pudding" come from?] (Ask Yahoo, Tue 03 Sep 2002)]


The current phrasing is generally credited to Miguel de Cervantes in "Don Quixote" (1615) [ [ The proof of the pudding is in the eating. by Miguel de Cervantes] (Quoteworld)] , via the popular 1701 translation by Peter Anthony Motteux. Motteux' translation of the book is famously loose. [ [ Proof of the pudding] (The Phrase Finder)] Cervantes' original phrase is "al freír de los huevos lo verá", "you will see it when you go to fry the eggs." [ [ New Boundaries in Old Territory. Emory Studies in Early Christianity, volume 3] , footnote 107] Motteux also snuck the "eggs in one basket" proverb into the Quixote. [B.J. Herbison, [ Notes on the translation of Don Quixote] ]

Rogers' "Dictionary of Cliche" and the "Oxford Dictionary of Quotations" date it to the 14th century as "Jt is ywrite that euery thing Hymself sheweth in the tastyng", and William Camden stated it in 1605 in "Remaines of a Greater Worke, Concerning Britaine" as "All the proofe of a pudding, is in the eating". [ [ Proof of the pudding] (]

A 1682 translation of Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux "Le Lutrin" (written between 1672 and 1674) renders it "The proof of th' pudding's seen i' the eating." [ [ Re: Correct Cliche] (Joel Wolfson, Imagelib mailing list, Mon 10 Jun 1996)]


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