Pobre Rico Pobre

Pobre Rico Pobre

Infobox Television
show_name = Pobre Rico Pobre

caption =
format = telenovela
camera =
picture_format = 480i (SDTV),
1080i (HDTV)
creator =
developer =
producer = Carlos Márquez
executive_producer = José Solano
starring = Cinthia Vázquez
Héctor Arredondo
Patricia Vásquez
Victor Garcia
Patricia Bernal
Luis F. Tovar
América Gabriel
Andrea Marti
Plutarco Haza
narrated =
theme_music_composer =
opentheme =
country = MEX
language = Spanish
num_seasons = One
num_episodes =
producer =
location = Mexico City
runtime = 60 minutes
network = TV Azteca
first_aired = April 21, 2008
last_aired = present
preceded_by = Tengo Todo Excepto a Ti
followed_by =
website = http://www.tvazteca.com/telenovelas/pobrericopobre
imdb_id = 1233103
tv_com_id =

"Pobre Rico Pobre" is a Mexican telenovela, based on the Colombian telenovela Nuevo Rico Nuevo Pobre. The show started 21 april 2008.


The soap opera deals with the life of Andrés Ferreira and Brayan Galindo, from rich and poor families respectively. A mistake was made when they were born, because Andrés, originally of the poor family, was given to the rich family, and Brayan of the rich family went with the poor family. 30 years later the nurse who made the mistake reveals the truth to the families, and Brayan goes to live with the rich family, and Andres goes with the poor family.

Cultural aspects

The name of Brayan Galindo reflects an irregular adaptation of Brian to the Spanish, to the equal one of Rosmery (by anerior Rosemary). It reflects the fact that many Latin Americans adopt foreign names thinking that it is an indication of socioeconomic status.fact|date=May 2008

The use of earpieces bluetooth in permanent form and cellular an intelligent Treo 650 by Andrés Ferreira tries to accentuate its characteristic Yuppies. Andrés is portrayed as a very arrogant person, who gives no vacations on Christmas to his employees and ignores his mother's advices. So his mother wants to give a lesson to Andrés by exchanging Brayan's and Andrés' roles. During this event Andrés falls in love with Rosmery while Brayan breaks his relationship with her because he has begun an affaire with María Fernanda, a super-model fortune-hunter who was Andrés' girlfriend.

The social consequences of massive dismissals of 200 employees as result of a reconstruction inserts a dramatic effect in the plot, and contribute to create a cold image of the enterprise world and Andrés Ferreira.


* Cinthia Vázquez - Rosmery Peláez
* Héctor Arredondo - Andrés Ferreira
* Patricia Vásquez - Fernanda San Miguel
* Victor Garcia - Brayan Galindo
* Patricia Bernal - Antonia Vda. de Ferreira
* Luis F. Tovar - Leónidas Galindo
* América Gabriel - Maritza Buenahora
* Andrea Marti - Ingrid Peláez
* Plutarco Haza - Maximiliano López Ferreira.

External links

* [http://www.tvazteca.com/telenovelas/pobrericopobre TV Azteca official site (in Spanish)]

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