San Javier, Uruguay

San Javier, Uruguay

San Javier (population approximately 1600) is a small town founded by Russian settlers on 27 July 1913. It is situated on the Uruguay River in the Department of Río Negro, 95 km north of Frey Bentos, and 50 km south of Paysandu.


The town was founded by 300 families of the Russian sect New Israel, who were seeking religious freedom, which they did not have under the Czar. Their leader Basilio Lubkov had been imprisoned in Russia as a religious dissident. The settlers introduced the sunflower as well as some advanced agricultural techniques to Uruguay. They constructed a flour mill and the first sunflower oil producing plant in Uruguay.

Military Dictatorship (1971-84)

During the Uruguayan military dictatorship (1971-84), the Russian inhabitants were persecuted, as the military saw each one as a possible communist sympathizer. Many residents stopped speaking Russian, and most Russian books were destroyed. The cultural centre Máximo Gorki - where music, dance and other cultural activities were held - was closed, and traditional dance costumes were burnt. In 1984, the town became known throughout Uruguay for the execution of Vladimir Roslik, a Russian-Uruguayan medical doctor who was tortured and later killed by Uruguayan military. For some he is a hero. With the restoration of democracy, the cultural centre Máximo Gorki has again been revived as a focal point for cultural activities in the town. It is home of the traditional dance group Kalinka, who have won many prizes in Uruguayan dance competitions.

Today the inhabitants of San Javier are proud to have maintained many of their traditions including food, dances, embroidery and music. They celebrate a festival on 27 July, the date of foundation, with a feast of traditional food, music and dancing. Over the years, Russian marriages have been memorable events with three days of festivities that include dancing, singing, and traditional meals.

Esteros de Farrapos National Park

The town is one of two access points for the new National Park Esteros de Farrapos and Islands of River Uruguay, which is recognised under the Ramsar Convention as a Wetland of International Significance. Esteros de Farrapos which is 17,496 Ha, includes 24 islands, is the last known refuge for the Puma in Uruguay, and the only protected area where Maned Wolf have been recorded. Over 200 species of birds have been recorded in the park, 30 mammals, 14 reptiles, 8 amphibians and many butterflies.

Tourism is not yet well developed in the park, however there is limited accommodation in San Javier, and a well-equipped camping area at nearby Puerto Viejo (‘Old Port’). Activities including fishing, boating, horse riding and birdwatching. Boats are available for hire, as well as experienced nature guides.


* [ ] (Ramsar Nomination)
* [ ] (Article from El Pais newspaper)
* [ ] (Environment group - Proteger)
* [ ] ( Oscar Sergio Malarov Urivsky )
* [] Museum of Russian immigrant pioneers in San Javier (Leonardo Martinez)

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