- Norfolk Hawker
name = Norfolk Hawker
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropoda
subphylum =Hexapoda
classis =Insecta
ordo =Odonata
subordo =Anisoptera
familia =Aeshnidae
genus = "Aeshna "
species = "A. isosceles"
binomial = "Aeshna isosceles"
binomial_authority = (Muller, 1767)The Norfolk Hawker ("Aeshna isosceles"), while not uncommon inEurope , is an extremely rarespecies ofdragonfly inGreat Britain . It has a yellow triangular mark on the second abdominal segment which gave rise to itsscientific name . It also has green eyes and clear, untinted wings. It is mainly aMediterranean species, at home in the lowlands ofNorth Africa andSouthern Europe .In Britain, the Norfolk Hawker is protected under Schedule 5 of the
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 , and listed in Category 1 (endangered) in the British Red Data Books on Insects.Its habitats in
The Broads [An area with similar protection to aNational park ] inNorfolk ,England includeHickling Broad and twoNational Nature Reserve s:Mid-Yare NNR andLudham - Potter Heigham NNR .The Norfolk Hawker needs unspoiled grazing
marsh dykes, clean non-saline water, rushy margins, and an abundance ofaquatic plant s, especially the water soldier "Stratoites aloides".Recently, an alternative
common name ,Green-eyed Hawker, has been proposed for this species by Dijkstra in his book "The Dragonflies of Britain and Europe" (ISBN 0953139948)References and Notes
External links
* [http://www.norfolkdragons/species/isosceles.shtml Norfolk Dragonflies]
* [http://www.dragonflysoc.org.uk/mffanisofull.htm British Dragonfly Society]
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