Sonkovo (railway station)

Sonkovo (railway station)

Sonkovo is central commodity-passenger railway station of the Moscow branch of the October railway on a joint with Northern railway, with movement in four directions. The station is located in one-nominal settlement Sonkovo of the Tver oblast, thus the settlement Sonkovo. The railway station and locomotive depot during all history of its existence were and remain defining factors of its development.

The history of station

Construction of the railway

Station has arisen in 1870, at construction of a railroad line which should connect industrial Rybinsk with Moscow and Petersburg. In 1869 the joint-stock company Rybinsk – Bologoye railway has been based, and in 1870 (on other data - in 1871) railroad line Bologoye - Rybinsk which has passed through Udomlya and Bezhetsk, has been put in operation [ Московско-Виндаво-Рыбинская железная дорога на сайте «Энциклопедия железнодорожного транспорта»] (It is verified 14.05.2008)] [ [ «История Савёлки» на сайте «Савёловская глухомань»] (It is verified 14.05.2008)] . For maintenance of a new line with locomotive draft at station the locomotive depot and a water tower has been constructed. Originally the station and depot at it referred to Savelino (by name the nearest village). After prolongation of the railway in northern direction to Krasny Holm (1898) and in southern to Kashin (1899) station Savelino became central, around of it was generated пристанционный settlement [ [ Сонково на сайте «Савёловская глухомань»] (It is verified 14.05.2008)] . Per 1903 after prolongation of the railway on Savyolovo, settlement and station to avoid mess, have renamed in Sonkovo under the name of the nearest heathland. In May, 1897 on construction of the railway there was a large strike. 1 - 2 May, more than thousand person have suspended for work and have made to the contractor the demands. For settlement of a situation from Kashin have sent group of police officers. In the evening on May, 4th work has been renewed, however 135 person have left construction. In half a year on construction there were disorders.On November, 5th, after the contractor has disappeared with money, not having paid off with workers, they have begun громить office. In Savelino there have again arrived officials from Kashin, and also army divisions. The administration has suggested workers to pay 75 percent of the earned money, however the part of workers insisted on full calculation. Within several days it was possible to finish calculations with workers and to settle the conflict, and on November, 14th business it has been completed also office in Savelino it is closed [Города и районы Калининской области. М., 1978, с.528-529.] [ [ Сонково на сайте «Энциклопедический справочник. Тверская область»] (It is verified 14.05.2008)] .The railway to which station Sonkovo concerned, repeatedly changed the name, and station - the accessory. Originally it concerned to Rybinsk - Bologoye railway which per 1897 has been transformed in Is Moscow-Vindava-Rybinsk. In September, 1918 It is Moscow - Vindava - Rybinsk railway which structure included station, it has been nationalized and transferred in conducting the National commissariat of means of communication .

The enterprises and the infrastructure of station


Now Sonkovo is a large junction with railway station, travelling development, turnaround depot and a locomotive facilities. Electrification at station is absent. Tracks go from station in four directions - to the north (Krasny Holm), to the south (on Kashin), to the West (to Bezhetsk) and to the east (to Rybinsk). Ways of station are focused from the West on the east, in the western mouth of station turn on the north (to Krasny Holm - Pestovo), in east - on the south (on Kashin - Kalyasin - Savyolovo - Moscow) is located. Travelling development of station totals more than 15 ways (without taking into account depot) [Travelling development of station is visible in photos — [] , [] ] .The locomotive facilities and turnaround deadlocks are in a southern part of station, there is a turnaround depot and item of maintenance service of locomotives. The depot has not less than 14 deadlocks (and 14-th deadlock is located in 30 meters from apartment houses) [ [ Октябрьская магистраль. Среда, 05/11/2003, № 216 (13643)] ] . The wooden building of railway station and two low platforms, one lateral, another island, are in northern part of station, in a building of station there is a ticket office and a waiting room. The station has an output on the street Vokzalnaya going near to ways, and Lenin's located in parallel Vokzalnaya to street the prospectus. In east mouth of station there is a foot bridge above ways which connects northern and southern parts of settlement and has an output in northern part - on Lenin's prospectus (about a building of administration of area and branch of communication), in a southern part – to Krasnoarmeyskaya and Lesozavodskaya streets [Атлас автомобильных дорог Тверской области. 2006. ISBN 5-9698-0093-7. Стр. 156.] .

Historical monuments

At a building of station the old water tower for refuelling steam locomotives, and at the foot bridge - a steam locomotive-monument [ [ Вольная энциклопедия - Тверская область] (It is verified 14.05.2008)] , established on eternal parking in 1995 was kept. On Privokzalnaya the areas the bust of twice hero of Soviet Union, pilot Vasily Andrianov is established.

The enterprises of station

The Station is interroad item [Инструкция по учету перехода грузовых поездов, грузовых вагонов и контейнеров по стыковым пунктам железных дорог Российской Федерации. Утв. МПС РФ 02.08.2002 N ЦЧУ-913] , thus northern, western and southern direction, and also station concern to October, and east - to Northern railway [ [ The scheme on a site of the October railway] (It is verified 14.05.2008)] . The chief of station - Oleg Gorodko [ [ Предварительные итоги выборов 2 марта 2008 года на сайте Избирательной комиссии Тверской области] (It is verified 14.05.2008)] . The collective of railwaymen of station totals some hundreds person. The locomotive facilities is shop of locomotive depot Bologoe, till 2000 locomotive depot Sonkovo was independent ) [ [ Сайт «Паровоз ИС. Российский железнодорожный портал»] (It is verified 14.05.2008)] .Besides Sonkovo is the center of Sonkovo distance of the way serving tracks on sites Savyolovo - Sonkovo - Ovinishe, Sonkovo - Bezhetsk - Bologoe and Kalyazin - Uglich. The chief of a distance of a way – Merab Dzhanelidze [ Октябрьская магистраль. Пятница, 03/08/2007, № 30 (14074)] ] the author of some publications on economy and history.

Commercial operations

As of 2007 at station Sonkovo are made following commercial operations:
* sale of tickets for all passenger trains, reception and delivery of luggage
* reception and delivery повагонных sendings of the cargoes supposed to storage on the open areas of stations
* reception and delivery of fine sendings of cargoes, demanding storage in covered warehouses of stations
* reception and delivery of cargoes carload and the fine sendings, loaded by the whole cars, only on access roads and places of not general using
* reception and delivery carload sendings of the cargoes demanding storage in covered warehouses of stationsПо данным тарифного руководства № 4 Совета по железнодорожному транспорту государств — участников СНГ]

Introduction of modern technologies

At station Sonkovo modern technologies are applied. The automatic system of commercial survey of trains and cars, system тепловизионного the control and tenzometric a rail weighing in movement and acting stations, allow to reveal malfunctions in trains, distanse to define weight of a transported cargo, presence of the rests in the car after a unloading.The unique item on branch of commercial survey is equipped by modern computer facilities. Besides at station the system of a quality management (diagram of Pareto, scheme of Kauro Isicava) takes root.

Movement on station

Directions of movement

Movement of trains on station it is carried out in four directions: in northern direction - to Krasny Holm (33 km.) - Pestovo (147 km.) (with branch to Vesyegonsk (114 km.) in the western direction - to Bezhetsk (29 km.) - Bologoye (292 km.) to east direction - to Rybinsk (105 km.) - Yaroslavl (184 km.) to the southern direction - on Kashin (56 km.) - Kalyazin (76 km.) - Savyolovo (128 km.) - Moscow (262 km.)

Movement of cargo trains

the Basic part of transportations on station is made with cargo (commodity) trains - at station they are formed and will be reformed, change locomotives. According to for July, 2007, on the average for a day through station pass 24 pairs trains without rearrangement and 5 more with rearrangement.Thus from the October railway on station trains up to 116 cars which on Northern cannot accept act, and they should be divided; and from Northern railway the structures having up to 17 groups of cars act.

Movement of passenger trains

Through Sonkovo there pass with various periodicity some trains of distant following. According to for summer of 2007 through station passed following trains:
* St.-Petersburg - Ivanovo (through Bologoye)
* St.-Petersburg - Ufa (through Bologoye)
* St.-Petersburg - Samara (through Bologoye)
* St.-Petersburg - Yaroslavl (through Pestovo)
* St.-Petersburg - Sonkovo (through Bologoye)
* Moscow - Rybinsk (through Savyolovo - Kalyazin)

Unique daily and all-the-year-round train of distant following - a train St.-Petersburg - Ivanovo (with the car to Kostroma). The train Moscow - Rybinsk (with cars on Vesyegonsk, Pestovo, Uglich) goes to years months daily, in the others - 3 times a week. Other trains of distant following or seasonal, or go some times to a week, or on special purpose.In structure of trains the separate cars providing the through-message of St.-Petersburg with Orenburg, Penza, Ufa and other Russian cities [ [ Расписание поездов: Сонково на сайте] ] also follow. In Sonkovo trains of distant following change diesel locomotives and cost from 15 till 35 minutes. Also (according to for summer of 2007) from Sonkovo daily go suburban a diesel engine-train on Bologoye, Vesyegonsk, Pestovo, Rybinsk, Savyolovo, and on the days off - still and to Yaroslavl [ [ Расписания на сайте «Савёловская глухомань»] (It is verified 14.05.2008)] [ Расписание движения поездов по станции Сонково на сайте «Все электрички России»] (It is verified 14.05.2008)] .

Some trains pass in Sonkovo rearrangement, and separate cars can stand pending a diesel locomotive till some hours. So, in the morning from a train Moscow - Rybinsk in Sonkovo is unhooked with cars on Vesyegonsk and Pestovo and fasten them to suburban trains on Vesyegonsk and Pestovo. From a train St.-Petersburg - Sonkovo also is unhooked with cars on Vesyegonsk, Pestovo, Uglich and fasten them to passing trains. In the evening, when trains follow back, these manipulations are made in the opposite direction. Sometimes freight cars join passenger trains (especially following on Vesyegonsk).



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