- EV Override
Infobox VG| title = EV Override
developer =Ambrosia Software
publisher =Ambrosia Software
designer =
engine =
version = 1.0.2June 5 th2000
released =1998
genre = RPG
modes =single player
ratings =
platforms =Mac OS
media =Download ,CD-ROM
requirements =
input = Keyboard, Mouse"EV Override" is a Macintosh-only role-playing game that takes place in space. It is the sequel to "Escape Velocity", a game developed by
Ambrosia Software . It features an entirely new story line with a much bigger universe and many more governments and missions than the first, and an extended version of the original game engine.The game involves the player as an independent space captain making his way through the galaxy. There are several governments which control different sectors of the galaxy: United Earth at the south of the known galaxy, the Voinians to the west, the Miranu to the north, and the Strand races: the Igadzra, Zidagar, and Azdgari. The player has the choice of aiding any of these governments through doing missions and completing different plotlines. However, like the rest of the Escape Velocity series, it has no real ending and the player can play the game without ever getting involved in the politics of the galaxy.
Although "Escape Velocity" and "EV Override" are written for the classic Mac OS, and therefore run natively only on
Mac OS 9 and earlier, plug-ins for "EV Nova" that simulate the first two titles using the new game's engine have been released with Ambrosia's authorisation. Because "EV Nova" runs natively on bothMac OS X andMicrosoft Windows , virtually anyone can now play the stories of all three games regardless of their operating system.Gameplay
The player starts out in United Earth territory with a small shuttlecraft, the weakest ship in the game. The player can land on planets, where he can buy different outfits for his ship, buy a new ship, buy and sell commodities on the Commodities Market, and get missions in either the Mission Computer or the Spaceport Bar. Missions generally available in the Mission Computer are simple shipments and cargo runs that pay a fair amount of money, whereas missions in the Spaceport Bar are generally connected to a set of missions or a story line that will change the galaxy should you choose to accept.
The player can travel to different systems in the galaxy, controlled by different governments, each with their own planets. Missions usually involve traveling to other systems and either landing on a planet or destroying an enemy fleet or ship. In "EV Override", some systems change in response to missions, and often after completing one of the main plotlines systems will have been conquered and/or destroyed.
One of the principles of the "Escape Velocity" series is that the player does not have to participate in special missions or politics. Any player can make a living by simply doing the missions in the mission computer or buying and selling commodities. Though many of the ships in the galaxy are only available after completing different sets of missions, there are a huge selection of ships available to the player, allowing a simple trader to get stronger and richer as he becomes more powerful. Players who are powerful enough can even force planets to pay tribute by defeating their defence fleets (though this will, of course, render them highly unpopular with the planets' governments and allies).
United Earth
United Earth is centered around its capitol, Earth, in the Sol system. It was founded in response to a sudden invasion by the Voinians, a cruel, warlike race to the galactic west. Earth was narrowly defended, the only thing saving humanity being the new, fast strike fighters which overwhelmed the slow Voinian ships. In Override, the war between the Voinians and United Earth still rages on, although both have seemingly reached a stalemate.
United Earth technology is fairly advanced, and is in many ways more advanced than that of the Voinians. Whereas Voinian ships are equipped with strong armor plating for defense and very little energy shielding, United Earth ships are heavily shielded and only lightly armored. United Earth ships make heavy use of the Blaze Cannon, a fast-firing energy cannon that can be easily installed in mass numbers on most ships. It is quite inaccurate, although this makes little difference since it is fairly short-ranged anyway in comparison to other weapons. Also available to the United Earth are stolen Voinian technologies like the Rocket Launcher and the modified Hunter Missile Launcher, which are outfitted to capitol ships for an extra punch. In the United Earth storyline, the player can actually help the humans to gain access to more Voinian technology (the Paaren Station missions).
The ships used by the United Earth are:
*UE Freighter
*UE Fighter
*UE Destroyer
*UE CarrierThese ships can be acquired by the player after completing certain United Earth missions. A fourth ship, the UE Cruiser, can be acquired, but only after completing a separate, optional set of missions.
Some weapons used by the United Earth are:
*Blaze Cannon
*Rocket Launcher
*Hunter Missile LauncherVoinians
The Voinians are an aggressive race to the galactic west, controlled by the government on their capitol of Voina in the system of the same name. They once invaded and attacked the United Earth, the unified human race located east of the Voinian empire, without warning, pushing them back all the way to Earth. The human race would have been destroyed had not the ingenuity of the humans saved themselves from destruction. The two sides still fight bitterly over their territories, though at the time of the game both sides have reached a virtual standstill.
The Voinians have other enemies. The Emalgha, a primitive race to the northeast, have managed to defend against Voinian invasion despite their lack of technology (the only reason they survive is because they have armor-piercing weaponry). Also, the Voinians have to keep the Hinwar, a race which they enslaved, under control.
Voinian technology is somewhat cruder than that of the rest of the galaxy. Armor plating is used instead of conventional energy shielding to protect warships (due to the Voinians' low tech shielding technology), and the Voinian ships and even fighters are very slow. They rely on bulk and brute strength for their power, unlike the fast, mass tactics used by the United Earth. Their weapons reflect this strategy, and trade firing speed for raw power and long range. The prime example of this is their Neutron Cannon: it shoots far, is very accurate, and packs a great punch, but it lacks firing speed and the individual shots travel slow through space. One-on-one, most Voinian ships can easily defeat their UE counterparts. However, UE ships have a huge advantage in numbers that the Voinians cannot match easily, making both sides balanced.
The ships used by the Voinians are:
*Voinian Fighter
*Voinian Interceptor
*Voinian Frigate
*Voinian CruiserThe Crescent Systems
The Crescent Systems are systems surrounding the United Earth from the north to the east. These systems consist of three main Strands. There are the Azdgari, the Zidagar, the Igadzra, and the mysterious Central Council. The Azdgari, Zidagar, and Igadzra are in constant war with each other. If one of these Strands grows too powerful the Council will intervene secretly by putting an operative in the overpowering Strand to sabotage their plan for domination, in a way to keep the two other Strands from being destroyed. To the north is the peaceful trading race known as the Miranu. The southernmost systems of the crescent are taken up mostly by the Strandless. A group shunned from the Strands long ago. Four ships that are found all across the Crescent are the Crescent Fighter, the Crescent Warship (which holds three Crescent Fighters), the Lazira(a good all-around ship that is a freighter/warship mix), and the Arada.
The Azdgari are one of the three Strand races. They are fierce raiders whose territory reaches along the eastern rim of the Crescent Systems. When in battle, they tend to prefer speed over strength and firepower. While the Azdgari employ their own modified versions of both Crescent Warships and Aradas, the definitive Azdgari craft is the Azdara, a blazingly fast quad-winged fighter mounted with swivel phase cannons. The Azdgari Warship carries six Azdaras.
The Zidagar are one of the three Strand races. They go into battle with sleek, fast ships that use advanced missile-jamming systems and very strong phased beam weapons that can rip through shields fairly easily. Their signature ship is the Zidara, a fast, compact carrier that holds 2 modified crescent fighters. These each have phased cannons and beams and make one of the deadliest combinations of ships in the whole game.
This mysterious Strand is arguably the most powerful of the Strands. The Igadzra will forbid you to land on most of their planets until you have proved that you are a friend to them. They use guided projectiles called SAEs(Search-And-Eliminate) in battle to gain the upper hand, relying on their phased turrets as point-defense against the Azdaras and Zidagar Fighters. The SAEs are so advanced that they can even break through the Zidagar's sophisticated missile-jamming technologies. The Igadzra use modified Aradas and their signature ship: the Igazra. The Igazra is considered by many to be the best ship in the game. While many battle ships can use up to four guns/turrets, this one can get up to six. This added to the Igazra's above-average speed, advanced shielding, and the ability the fire three SAEs at once make it feared among the Crescent systems.
The Miranu are a trading species that, through you, befriend the U. E. and give you trading missions that are helpful for getting started. They have no enemies besides the Renegades, who are enemies with everyone. The Miranu have three ships that are exclusive to them. The main part of it is shaped somewhat like a pancake. As the ships get bigger an attachment that holds cargo gets longer. There is a small warrior government to the north of them known as the Zachit.
ee also
*Escape Velocity
*EV Nova
*Ambrosia Software
*Matt Burch External links
* [http://www.ambrosiasw.com/games/evo/ Ambrosia Software: EV Override]
* [http://www.ev-nova.net/ EV-Nova.net]
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