

name = "Polypodium"

image_width = 240px
image_caption = Common Polypody, "Polypodium vulgare"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Pteridophyta
classis = Pteridopsida
ordo = Polypodiales
familia = Polypodiaceae
genus = "Polypodium"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = Some 75-100, see text

"Polypodium" is a genus of between 75-100 species of true ferns, widely distributed throughout the world, with the highest species diversity in the tropics. The name is derived from Ancient Greek "poly" (πολύ) "many" + "podion" (πόδιον) "little foot", on account of the foot-like appearance of the rhizome and its branches. They are commonly called polypodies or rockcap ferns, but for many species unique vernacular names exist.

They are terrestrial or epiphytic ferns, with a creeping, densely hairy or scaly rhizome bearing fronds at intervals along its length. The species differ in size and general appearance and in the character of the fronds, which are evergreen, persisting for 1-2 years, pinnate or pinnatifid (rarely simple entire), and from 10-80 cm or more long. The sori or groups of spore-cases (sporangia) are borne on the back of the frond; they are globose and naked, not covered with a membrane (indusium).

Polypodies have some use in herbalism, but are today most important in horticulture where several species, hybrids, and their cultivars like "Polypodium" 'Green Wave' are commonly used as ornamental plants for shady locations. "Polypodium" have a bitter-sweet taste and are among the rather few ferns that are used in cooking; in this case as a spice e.g. for nougat.

elected species

Several of the species form hybrids with other species in the genus; these may often be distinguished by being sterile, with very small "blind" sori.

* "Polypodium abitaguae"
* "Polypodium alfredii"
* "Polypodium amorphum" Suksdorf – Irregular Polypody
* "Polypodium appalachianum" Haufler & Windham – Appalachian Rockcap Fern
* "Polypodium argyrolepis"
* "Polypodium asterolepis" Baker
* "Polypodium billardieri"
* "Polypodium californicum" Kaulf.
* "Polypodium calirhiza" – Nested Polypody, Habit Polypody
* "Polypodium cambricum" L. (= "P. australe" Fée) – Southern Polypody
* "Polypodium chionolepis"
* "Polypodium crassifolium"
* "Polypodium decumanum" – Calaguala Fern
* "Polypodium excavatum" Roxb.
* "Polypodium exiguum" – Hug-me-tight
* "Polypodium feei" (Bory) Mett.
* "Polypodium × font-queri" ("P. cambricum" × "P. vulgare")
* "Polypodium formosanum" Baker - Grub Fern
* "Polypodium furfuraceum" Schltdl. & Cham.
* "Polypodium glycyrrhiza" D.C.Eaton – Licorice fern
* "Polypodium hesperium" Maxon – Western Polypody
* "Polypodium incanum"
* "Polypodium × incognitum"
* "Polypodium interjectum" Shivas – Intermediate Polypody
* "Polypodium latissimum"
* "Polypodium lepidopteris" (Langsd. & Fisch.) Kunze
* "Polypodium lonchitis" – Northern Holly Fern
* "Polypodium macaronesicum" Bobrov
* "Polypodium × mantoniae" ("P. interjectum" × "P. vulgare")
* "Polypodium mindense"
* "Polypodium mixtum"
* "Polypodium nigrescens" Blume
* "Polypodium nipponicum" – "aonekazura' (Japanese)
* "Polypodium percussum"
* "Polypodium phymatodes" L.
* "Polypodium piligerum"
* "Polypodium pycnocarpum" C.Chr.
* "Polypodium quitense"
* "Polypodium rimbachii"
* "Polypodium × rothmaleri" ("P. cambricum" × "P. interjectum")
* "Polypodium saximontanum" Windham
* "Polypodium scouleri" Hooker & Greville – Coast Polypody
* "Polypodium scutulatum"
* "Polypodium segregatum"
* "Polypodium sibiricum" Sipliv. – Siberian Polypody
* "Polypodium triseriale" Swartz
* "Polypodium virginianum" L. – Rock Polypody
* "Polypodium vulgare" – Common Polypody

A number of species formerly included in the genus have recently been transferred to other genera, including "Campyloneurum", "Cyathea", "Microgramma", "Nephrolepis", "Neurodium", "Pecluma", "Phlebodium", and "Pleopeltis".

ee also

* Baba Roots
* Calaguala


* (1993): [http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=126431 2. "Polypodium" Linnaeus] . "In: Flora of North America North of Mexico", Vol. 2 (Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms): 315-323. ISBN 0195082427
* (1978): "Welsh Ferns". National Museum of Wales.
* (2007): Digital Flora Europaea: [http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/cgi-bin/nph-readbtree.pl/feout?FAMILY_XREF=&GENUS_XREF=Polypodium&SPECIES_XREF=&TAXON_NAME_XREF=&RANK= "Polypodium" species list] . Retrieved 2007-NOV-26.
* (2007a): Germplasm Resources Information Network - [http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/splist.pl?9721 "Polypodium"] . Retrieved 2007-NOV-26.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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