- Central Board
This was a scheme developed by
Joseph Chamberlain in1884 -1885 . This would have offered a form of local government which it is argued [Lyons, 1974] would have fallen considerably short of legislative independence. Chamberlain had received some support from the Catholic bishops. His contact with Charles Parnell was ironically Captain O'Shea who led him to believe that this would be acceptable as a final settlement.However Chamberlain's proposal was too radical for Gladstone who had not yet accepted the merits of Home Rule for Ireland. Lack of support led him to tender his resignation. Later in
1886 he was an opponent of theHome Rule Bill . Rejection of his Central Board scheme may have created personal feelings of bitterness towards the Irish Parliamentary Party.Joseph Chamberlain was a leading Liberal who had been a successful businessman and had led the reform of the administration of the City of
Birmingham, England . He also served in the important post of President of the Board of Trade.trengths
All Ireland proposal, would have given good experience to Irish politicians and a Forum during parliamentary delaying tactics in struggle for Home Rule.
Powers to be devolved were strictly limited and mere local autonomy would have been opposed by militants.
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