

Category Arsenide mineral
Chemical formula Ni11As8
Strunz classification 02.AB.15
Color grey to reddish silver white
Crystal system tetragonal
Mohs scale hardness 4.5-5.5
Streak grayish black
Specific gravity 6.9-7.3

Maucherite is a grey to reddish silver white nickel arsenide mineral. It crystallizes in the tetragonal crystal system. It occurs in hydrothermal veins alongside other nickel arsenide and sulfide minerals. It is metallic and opaque with a hardness of 5 and a specific gravity of 7.83. It is also known as placodine and Temiskamite. The unit cell is of symmetry group P41212.

It has the chemical formula: Ni11As8 and commonly contains copper, iron, cobalt, antimony, and sulfur as impurities.

It was discovered in 1913 in Eisleben, Germany and was named after Wilhelm Maucher (1879-1930), a German mineral collector.


  • Mindat localities
  • Schumann, Walter (1991). Mineralien aus aller Welt. BLV Bestimmungsbuch (2 ed.). pp. 223. ISBN 3-405-14003-X.