John Amen

John Amen

Colonel John Harlan Amen is a US Army Intelligence officer who served as Nuremberg Prison Chief Interrogator during the Nuremberg War Trials.

Portrayal in popular culture

John Amen has been portrayed by the following actors in film, television and theater productions;
* David McIlwraith in the 2000 Canadian/U.S. T.V. production "Nuremberg"cite web | url = | title = Nuremberg (2000) (TV) | accessdate = May 20 | accessdaymonth = | accessmonthday = | accessyear = 2008 | author = | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | date = | year = | month = | format = | work = | publisher = | pages = | language = English | doi = | archiveurl = | archivedate = | quote = ]
*Michael Fitzpatrick in the 2006 British television production "Nuremberg: Goering's Last Stand"cite web | url = | title = Nuremberg: Goering's Last Stand (2006) (TV) | accessdate = May 20 | accessdaymonth = | accessmonthday = | accessyear = 2008 | author = | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | date = | year = | month = | format = | work = | publisher = | pages = | language = English | doi = | archiveurl = | archivedate = | quote = ]
*Tim Woodward in the 2006 BBC television docudrama ""cite web | url = | title = Nuremberg: Nazis on Trial (2006) (TV) | accessdate = May 20 | accessdaymonth = | accessmonthday = | accessyear = 2008 | author = | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | date = | year = | month = | format = | work = | publisher = | pages = | language = English | doi = | archiveurl = | archivedate = | quote = ]


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  • John Amen — John Harlan Amen (* 15. September 1898 in Exeter, NH; † 10. März 1960 in New York City) war ein amerikanischer Staatsanwalt, der beim Nürnberger Hauptkriegsverbrecherprozess die Vernehmungen der Angeklagten und Zeugen leitete. Leben und Werk John …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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