

A petate is a bedroll used in Central America and México. Its name comes from the náhuatl word "petatl". The petate is woven from the fibers of the Palm of petate ("Thrinax morrisii"). The Royal Spanish Academy (RSA) defines it as a bed. [ [ The RSA's definition of "petate"] ] Generally petates are woven in quadrangular forms, though not to any exact dimensions.


The main use of the petate is for sleeping. It can be extended on the ground for lying down or sleeping. During the day the petate normally rolls up and hangs from the wall, freeing up space in the room. In very warm places it is used to sleep outdoors. Also it is used for drying seeds, grains, tortillas, and other foodstuffs in the sun, to prevent their touching the ground. In several places in México, pumpkinseeds dried on a petate and then roasted are commonly called "semillas de calabasa." Other items made from the fibers of the palm are known as "artesanias de petate" (handicrafts made from the fibers of the palm) including toys, dolls, masks, hats, and baskets.


The petate's diverse characteristics and uses have inspired a number of colorful Spanish idioms.

*"Ya se petateó" ("He's already dead") is Mexican slang from the colloquial word "Petatear" "to be dead", recognized by the RSA as a synonym for dying. This is because the petate also is used to guard and to bury the dead, mainly among those too impoverished to afford coffins.

*"Llamarada de petate" ("Petate in a blaze") refers to an emotion or brief and intense love affair, as in "the love among them was like a petate in a blaze."

*"Huele a petate quemado" ("It smell like burned petate") is used to refer to the smell of marijuana.

*"Las mujeres, 'pal metate y 'pal petate" ("The woman should serve the food and herself") is a macho way of saying that a women's only role is to serve as cook and sexual partner.

*"Si como fueran 'pal petate fueran 'pal metate" means "Those who are good as sexual partners should be good in the kitchen."


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