Birger Brosa

Birger Brosa


Birger was appointed to the position of jarl during the reign of Knut Eriksson. He maintained the position during Knut's successor Sverker II until his death in 1202.

Before 1170, Birger was married to Birgit Haraldsdotter, the daughter of the Norwegian king Harald Gille. She had formerly been married to the Danish pretender Magnus Henriksson, who had briefly ruled in Uppsala 1160-1161.

Birger appears to have maintained peace in Sweden during the civil wars that ravaged Denmark and Norway. Many of the pretenders in these kingdoms sought refuge with Birger. Among them were the Birkebeiner chieftains Eystein Meyla and Sverre Sigurdsson who were Birgit's kinsmen.

Birger owned estates in Östergötland, Nerike, Vermland and Södermanland. He was a great donor to the convent of Riseberga in Nerike, where Birgitta spent her last years after Birger's death.

As soon as he was dead, a civil war broke out.


* Filip Birgersson, Jarl of Norway (d. 1200), one of king Sverre's most staunch supporters and his jarl.
* Knut Birgersson, Riksjarl of Sweden, jarl of Sweden. According to one source, Knut was married to king Knut Eriksson's daughter, named Sigrid in that source. He was killed in 1208 at the battle of Lena (??Battle of Gestilren 1210???).
* jarl Folke Birgersson, aka Folke jarl, jarl of Sweden, killed 1210 at battle of Gestilren
*Ingegerd Birgersdotter, married to king Sverker II and became the mother of king John I of Sweden.
*Kristina Birgersdotter
*Margareta Birgersdotter

Portrayal in popular culture

Birger Brosa was portrayed by Stellan Skarsgård in the Swedish 2007 film "Arn – The Knight Templar" and 2008 sequel "ArnThe Kingdom at Road's End".

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