Kingdom of Sine

Kingdom of Sine

The Kingdom of Sine or Sin was a pre-colonial kingdom along the north bank of the Salum estuary in modern Senegal. Much of the kingdom's population was Serer.

Sin was founded prior to 1400 (probably at some point after 1100) by Maisa Wali Jon who had fled Kabu. Early on Sin was a vasal of the Jolof Empire.

At this early date besides the Serer there were also Non, Nominka and Njeghem residents of the kingdom. In the late 15th century Elibana lead a large migration of Serer into the kingdom.

In about 1550 Sin overthrew the Jolof yoke and became an independent kingdom. The rulers of Jolof continued to follow traditional beliefs. In 1867 the Muslim cleric Ma Ba was killed while he was trying to take control of Sin and make it a Muslim land.

The rulers of Sin retained their titles throughout the colonial period and did not lose all official recognition until 1969.


*Clark, Andrew F. and Lucie Colvin Phillips, Historical Dictionary of Senegal, Second Edition Published as No. 65 of African Historical Dictionaries, (Metuchen, New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, 1994) p. 246-247

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