Ignazio Guidi

Ignazio Guidi

Ignazio Guidi (1844-1935) was an Italian orientalist. He became Professor at the University of Rome. He is known as a Hebraist and for many translations.

He learned semitic languages from Pius Zingerle and Father Vincenti, and taught himself Ge'ez [http://www.sissco.it//index.php?id=597, in Italian.] .

He discovered the "Khuzistan Chronicle" [http://www.quicklatin.com/wiki/index.php?title=The_Khuzistan_Chronicle] , and edited the "Chronicle of Edessa".


* 1895: "Il "Gadla 'Aragâwî" : memoria del socio Ignazio Guidi : letta nella seduta del 21 giugno 1891". Roma : Tip. della R. Accademia dei Lincei.
* 1897: "Il Fetha Nagast o "Legislazione dei Ref", Codice ecclesiastico e civile di Abissinia pubblicato da Ignazio Guidi". Roma: Casa editr. italiana.
* 1900: (with: Rudolf-Ernst Brünnow, "et al.") "Tables alphabétiques du Kitâb al-aġânî ..." Leide, E.J. Brill.
* 1901: (with: Francesco Gallina & Enrico Cerulli) "Vocabolario amarico-italiano". Roma: Casa Editrice Italiana.
* 1903: "Chronica minora". 2 vols. (Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium) Lipsiae: Harrassowitz.
* 1903: "Annales Iohannis I, Iyāsu I, Bakāffā". Parisiis : E Typographeo Reipublicae.
* 1931: "Storia della letteratura etiopica"


* [https://www.iranica.com/articles/v11f4/v11f4015.html Biography]


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