Ungatt Trunn

Ungatt Trunn

Ungatt Trunn is an anthropomorphic wildcat who was the main antagonist of the novel "Lord Brocktree" in the Redwall series by Brian Jacques. He possessed great strength, capable of going head to head with a Badger Lord.

Trunn was from an unnamed land far across the sea, His father was Mortspear and his brother was Lord Verdauga Greeneyes. Verdauga had a daughter, Tsarmina, and a son, Gingivere. Assembling a massive army dubbed the Blue Hordes for their blue-dyed fur, Trunn set sail across the ocean planning to conquer Salamandastron, the fortress of the Badger Lords. This force is known for having thousands of soldiers, far more than any army ever seen in the Redwall world.

When his armada was just off the shore of Salamandastron, Trunn's second in command landed first and demanded the surrender of the mountain fortress. Lord Stonepaw refused and the wildcat's army came ashore.

After a long battle, Ungatt Trunn captured the mountain, killing many of the hares that guarded it. Stonepaw hid with a small group of hares in the caves beneath Salamandastron. Despite a succession of defeats during a short guerilla war in which Stonepaw died, the wildcat's forces remained strong. Yet fate was unkind to Ungatt Trunn, and almost all his army deserted him when Lord Brocktree's army arrived. Challenging the badger to single combat, Trunn was defeated and his body was cast out to sea by his own seer.

Ungatt Trunn was a good fighter and a brilliant general. His weapons of choice were the net and trident and he enjoyed dark, cobwebbed rooms with the presence of spiders. It was possible that he was an ancestor of the wildcat Riggu Felis, who would become the primary antagonist of the later book "High Rhulain."

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