1very low — A height below 500 ft. In some definitions, the heights below 300 ft are considered very low heights …
2Very low frequency — or VLF refers to radio frequencies (RF) in the range of 3 kHz to 30 kHz. Since there is not much bandwidth in this band of the radio spectrum, only the very simplest signals are used, such as for radio navigation. Also known as the myriameter… …
3Very low calorie diet — (VLCD) is a diet with very or extremely low calorie consumption per day. It is defined medically as a diet of 800 kilocalories per day or less. VLCDs are formulated, nutritionally complete, liquid meals containing 3350 kJ (800 kcal) or less per… …
4Very-low-drag bullet — Very low drag bullets (VLD) are primarily a small arms ballistics development of the 1980s–1990s, driven by shooters desire for bullets that will give a higher degree of accuracy and kinetic efficiency, especially at extended ranges. To achieve… …
5Very Low Density Lipoprotein — (VLDL) ist ein Bestandteil des Blutplasmas, und dient dem Transport von Triglyceriden, Cholesterin und Phospholipiden von der Leber zu den Geweben. Auf seinem Weg wandelt es sich durch die allmähliche Abgabe der Triglyceride von VLDL in LDL um.… …
6Very low density lipoprotein — (VLDL) ist ein Bestandteil des Blutplasmas, und dient dem Transport von Triglyceriden, Cholesterin und Phospholipiden von der Leber zu den Geweben. Auf seinem Weg wandelt es sich durch Abgabe der Triglyceride von VLDL allmählich in LDL um. VLDLs… …
7Very low density lipoproteins — Very low density lipo|proteins [wạ̈ri lo̱u dạ̈nßiti lipopro̱utins; engl. very = sehr, engl. low = niedrig, engl. density = Dichte u. engl. lipoproteins = Lipoproteine] Mehrz.: Plasmalipoproteine im Dichtebereich von 0,9 bis 1,006 g/ml; Abk.: VLDL …
8Very low-density lipoprotein — (VLDL) is a type of lipoprotein made by the liver. VLDL is one of the five major groups of lipoproteins (chylomicrons, VLDL, IDL, LDL, HDL) which enable fats and cholesterol to move within the water based solution of the blood stream. It is… …
9very-low-density lipoprotein — ver ē n VLDL * * * (VLDL) a class of lipoproteins that transport triglycerides from the intestine and liver to adipose and muscle tissues. Synthesized by the liver, they contain primarily triglycerides in their lipid cores, with some cholesteryl… …
10very low frequency — n. any radio frequency between 10 and 30 kilohertz …