1Lowly — Low ly, a. [Compar. {Lowlier}; superl. {Lowliest}.] [Low, a. + ly.] 1. Not high; not elevated in place; low. Lowly lands. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. Low in rank or social importance. [1913 Webster] One common right the great and lowly claims. Pope …
2Lowly — Low ly, adv. 1. In a low manner; humbly; meekly; modestly. Be lowly wise. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. In a low condition; meanly. [1913 Webster] I will show myself highly fed, and lowly taught. Shak. [1913 Webster] …
3lowly — index base (inferior), ignoble, inferior (lower in position), subaltern, subordinate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
4lowly — c.1300 (adv.); late 14c. (adj.) humble, from LOW (Cf. low) (adj.) + LY (Cf. ly) …
5lowly — meek, *humble, modest Analogous words: submissive, subdued, *tame: retiring, withdrawing (see GO): reverential, deferential, obeisant (see corresponding nouns at HONOR) Antonyms: pompous Contrasted words: pretentious, ostentatious, *showy:… …
6lowly — [adj] inferior, plain average, base, baseborn, cast down, common, commonplace, docile, dutiful, everyday, gentle, humble, ignoble, low, lowborn, mean, meek, menial, mild, modest, mundane, obscure, obsequious, ordinary, plebeian, poor, proletarian …
7lowly — ► ADJECTIVE (lowlier, lowliest) 1) low in status or importance. 2) (of an organism) primitive or simple. ► ADVERB ▪ to a low degree. DERIVATIVES lowliness noun …
8lowly — [lō′lē] adj. lowlier, lowliest 1. of or suited to a low position or rank 2. humble; meek 3. ordinary; commonplace adv. lowlier, lowliest 1. humbly; meekly 2 …
9lowly — lowlily, adv. lowliness, n. /loh lee/, adj., lowlier, lowliest, adv. adj. 1. humble in station, condition, or nature: a lowly cottage. 2. low in growth or position. 3. humble in attitude, behavior, or spirit; meek. adv. 4. in a low position,… …
10lowly — [[t]lo͟ʊli[/t]] lowlier, lowliest ADJ GRADED If you describe someone or something as lowly, you mean that they are low in rank, status, or importance. ...lowly bureaucrats pretending to be senators... He was irked by his lowly status …