with bated breath

  • 81expectant — adjective 1) expectant fans Syn: eager, excited, psyched, agog, waiting with bated breath, hopeful; in suspense, on tenterhooks 2) an expectant mother Syn: pregnant; informal expecting, with a bun in the oven; …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 82anxious — Synonyms and related words: aching, aghast, agitated, agog, alacritous, alarmed, all agog, all overish, anguished, animated, annoyed, antsy, antsy pantsy, anxioused up, apprehensive, ardent, athirst, avid, beset, bored, bothered, breathless,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 83apprehensive — Synonyms and related words: afraid, agitated, alive, all nerves, all knowing, all overish, anxious, anxioused up, apperceptive, appercipient, apprehending, awake, aware, bothered, cognizant, comprehending, concerned, conscious, disquieted,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 84humbly — Synonyms and related words: abjectly, apologetically, contritely, meekly, modestly, on all fours, on bended knee, penitentially, penitently, quietly, repentantly, sheepishly, submissively, unassumingly, unobtrusively, unostentatiously,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 85in suspense — Synonyms and related words: abeyant, addled, anxious, apathetic, apprehensive, at a loss, at issue, baffled, bamboozled, beat, buffaloed, cataleptic, catatonic, conditional, conditioned, confounded, confusedly, contingent, dazed, dazedly, dead,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 86keyed up — Synonyms and related words: agog, anxious, apprehensive, aquiver, aroused, atingle, atwitter, bursting, carried away, ebullient, effervescent, excited, exhilarated, fired, high, hopped up, impassioned, in suspense, inflamed, keyed up, lathered up …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 87meekly — Synonyms and related words: abjectly, acquiescently, compliantly, gently, humbly, like a lamb, mildly, modestly, on all fours, on bended knee, pacifically, passively, peaceably, quietly, resignedly, submissively, tamely, unassumingly,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 88modestly — Synonyms and related words: abjectly, after a fashion, appreciably, at any rate, at best, at least, at most, at the least, at the most, at the outside, at worst, comparatively, detectably, fair to middling, fairishly, fairly, humbly, in a manner …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 89on edge — Synonyms and related words: all nerves, antsy, antsy pantsy, anxious, apprehensive, breathless, chafing, eager, edgy, excitable, excited, fearful, fretful, fretting, frightened, hasty, high strung, hopped up, impatient, impetuous, in a lather, in …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 90on tenterhooks — Synonyms and related words: addled, agitated, all overish, anxious, anxioused up, apprehensive, at a loss, baffled, bamboozled, beat, bothered, buffaloed, concerned, confounded, dazed, disquieted, disturbed, fearful, floored, foreboding, fuddled …

    Moby Thesaurus