with bated breath

  • 31bated — adj. Phrases and idioms: with bated breath very anxiously. Etymology: past part. of obs. bate (v.) restrain, f. ABATE …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 32with one's heart in one's mouth — she slowly made her way down the dark cellar stairs with her heart in her mouth Syn: in alarm, in fear, fearfully, apprehensively, on edge, with trepidation, in suspense, in a cold sweat, with bated breath, on tenterhooks; informal with… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 33with one's heart in one's mouth — IN ALARM, in fear, fearfully, apprehensively, on edge, with trepidation, in suspense, in a cold sweat, with bated breath, on tenterhooks; informal with butterflies in one s stomach, in a state, in a stew, in a sweat; Brit. informal having… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 34bated, with - breath — I can t get this fish hook out of my mouth! said Tom, with baited breath …

    English expressions

  • 35baited / bated —    Baited usually refers to traps: Baiting deer in order to hunt them is illegal in most states.    Bated is seldom used but means reduced, abated : Jessica waited with bated breath for news of her success …

    Confused words

  • 36baited / bated —    Baited usually refers to traps: Baiting deer in order to hunt them is illegal in most states.    Bated is seldom used but means reduced, abated : Jessica waited with bated breath for news of her success …

    Confused words

  • 37bate — bate1 /bayt/, v., bated, bating. v.t. 1. to moderate or restrain: unable to bate our enthusiasm. 2. to lessen or diminish; abate: setbacks that bated his hopes. v.i. 3. to diminish or subside; abate. 4. with bated breath, with breath drawn in or… …


  • 38Expectation — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Expectation >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 expectation expectation expectance expectancy Sgm: N 1 anticipation anticipation reckoning calculation Sgm: N 1 foresight foresight &c. 510 GRP: N 2 …

    English dictionary for students

  • 39bate — bate1 [bāt] vt. bated, bating [ME baten, aphetic for abaten, ABATE] 1. to abate, lessen, lower, etc. 2. Archaic to deprive (of) with bated breath with the breath held in because of fear, excitement, etc. bate2 [bāt] …

    English World dictionary

  • 40wait — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ endless, lengthy, long ▪ We had a long wait to see the doctor. ▪ short ▪ agonizing, anxious …

    Collocations dictionary