special pleading

  • 101con — Synonyms and related words: POW, adversary, adversative, adverse, against, alien, antagonistic, anti, antipathetic, antithetic, argue into, argument, argumentum, aye, beat, beguile of, bilk, bone, bring over, bring round, bring to reason, bunco,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 102consideration — Synonyms and related words: TLC, Trinkgeld, accent, accommodatingness, account, action, admiration, adoration, advertence, advertency, advisement, agreeableness, airing, alertness, ambition, amends, analysis, anticipation, apotheosis, application …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 103pro — Synonyms and related words: Admirable Crichton, adept, advocating, all for, approving, argument, argumentum, artisan, artist, attache, authority, aye, backing, case, con, connaisseur, connoisseur, cons, consideration, consultant, cordon bleu,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 104reason — Synonyms and related words: Vernunft, acceptable, accomplishment, account, admissibility, advise with, aim, air, allegorization, ambition, analyze, answer, antecedent, apologia, apology, apply reason, argument, argumentum, ascertainment,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 105Gunpowder — For other meanings, see gunpowder (disambiguation). Black powder for muzzleloading rifles and pistols in FFFG granulation size. Coin (diameter 24 mm) for comparison. Gunpowder, also known since in the late 19th century as black powder, was the… …


  • 106Non sequitur (logic) — Non sequitur (Latin for it does not follow ), in formal logic, is an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises.[1] In a non sequitur, the conclusion could be either true or false, but the argument is fallacious because… …


  • 107Neo-Confederate — The Confederate flag adopted on March 4, 1865 Neo Confederate is a term used by some academics and political activists to describe the views of various groups and individuals who have a positive belief system concerning the historical experience… …


  • 108Open Question Argument — The Open Question Argument is a philosophical argument put forward by British philosopher G. E. Moore in §13 of Principia Ethica (1903), to refute the equating of the property good with some non moral property, whether naturalistic (e.g.… …


  • 109economics — /ek euh nom iks, ee keuh /, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind. 2. (used with a pl. v.) financial considerations;… …


  • 110hell — like, adj. /hel/, n. 1. the place or state of punishment of the wicked after death; the abode of evil and condemned spirits; Gehenna or Tartarus. 2. any place or state of torment or misery: They made their father s life a hell on earth. 3.… …
