religious rite

  • 91an·cho·rite — /ˈæŋkəˌraıt/ noun, pl rites [count] : a religious person who lives apart from other people …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 92Preconsecrated Offerings, Liturgy of the — ▪ religious rite also called  Liturgy of St. Gregory the Great        a communion service used during Lent in Eastern (Eastern rite church) Orthodox and Eastern rite Catholic churches; the consecration is omitted, and bread and wine reserved from …


  • 93foot washing — ▪ religious rite also called  washing of feet        a religious rite practiced by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church on Maundy Thursday of Holy Week (preceding Easter) and by members of some other Christian churches in their worship… …


  • 94Criobolium — ▪ religious rite       in the ancient religion of Asia Minor, the sacrifice of a ram and the bathing of a devotee in its blood, in the cult of the Phrygian deities Attis and Cybele, the Great Mother of the Gods. The ceremony may have been… …


  • 95Charon's obol — Charon and Psyche (1883), a pre Raphaelite interpretation of the myth by John Roddam Spencer Stanhope Charon s obol is an allusive term for the coin placed in or on the mouth[1] of a dead person before burial. According to …


  • 96Circumcision — This article is about male circumcision. For female circumcision, see Female genital mutilation. Circumcision Intervention Circumcision being performed in central Asia, possibly Turkmenistan c. 1865–1872. Restored albumen …


  • 97Origin of the Eucharist — Main article: Eucharist Christians find the origin of the Eucharist in the Last Supper, at which Jesus established a New Covenant in his body and blood, fulfilling the Mosaic covenant. In this ancient rite or sacrament Christians eat bread and… …


  • 98sacrifice — sacrificeable, adj. sacrificer, n. /sak reuh fuys /, n., v., sacrificed, sacrificing. n. 1. the offering of animal, plant, or human life or of some material possession to a deity, as in propitiation or homage. 2. the person, animal, or thing so… …


  • 99Heraclitus — Catherine Osborne No philosopher before Socrates can have had such a profound influence on so many generations of subsequent thinkers as Heraclitus. Nor can any thinker, probably in the whole history of philosophy, have inspired such a wide range …

    History of philosophy

  • 100Ordination of women — Main article: Ordination Ordination in general religious usage is the process by which a person is consecrated (set apart for the administration of various religious rites). The ordination of women is a regular practice among some major religious …
