religious rite

  • 81Paganism (contemporary religious movements) — For other uses, see Neo Pagan (disambiguation). A Rodnover ritual in modern Russia. Rodnovery is a Pagan religion that attempts to recreate forms of pre Christian Russian religion. Paganism, which is also referred to as contemporary Paganism, Neo …


  • 82Jewish religious movements — Part of a series on …


  • 83History of religious Jewish music — This article is about the sacred and religious music of Judaism from Biblical to Modern times. For the main article on religious Jewish music, see Religious Jewish music.The history of religious Jewish music spans over two millennia and covers… …


  • 84List of religious leaders in 1220 — 1219 religious leaders Events of 1220 1221 religious leaders Religious leaders by yearSee also: List of state leaders in 1220 Buddhism*Karma Pakshi, Karmapa of the Karma Kagyu (1204 1283) *Kunga Gyeltsen, Sakya Master of Tibet (1216… …


  • 85feast-rite — feastˈ rite noun A rite or custom observed at religious feasts • • • Main Entry: ↑feast …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 86List of religious organizations — This is a list of religious organizations.Religious organizations can be classified in many different ways, like organizational structure, teachings, source of inspiration, origins, their age, acceptance by society, intensity of controversy… …


  • 87passage, rite of — Any of numerous ceremonial events, existing in all societies, that mark the passage of an individual from one social or religious status to another. The term was coined by the French anthropologist Arnold van Gennep (1873–1957) in 1909. Many of… …


  • 88an|cho|rite — «ANG kuh ryt», noun. 1. a person who lives alone in a solitary place for religious meditation. 2. a hermit. SYNONYM(S): recluse. ╂[< Medieval Latin anachorita, alteration of Late Latin anachōrēta anchoret] …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 89Naz|a|rite — «NAZ uh ryt», noun. 1. (among the ancient Hebrews) a Jew who had taken certain strict religious vows (in the Bible, Numbers 6:1 27). 2. a native of Nazareth; Nazarene. Also, Nazirite. ╂[< Late Latin Nazaraeus (< Greek Nāzōraîos dedicated… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 90Fertility rite — Fertility rites are religious rituals that reenact, either actually or symbolically, sexual acts and/or reproductive processes. As with the sacrifices of humans which many scholars think Fact|date=February 2007 that ancient peoples made to ensure …
