put up the sword

  • 101The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis — (central fragment) Artist Rembrandt Year 1662 Type Oil Dimensions 196 cm × 309 cm (77 in × 122 in) …


  • 102The Mole (U.S. season 2) — The Mole: The Next Betrayal Country of origin  United States No. of episodes 13 …


  • 103The Passion of Christ —     The Passion of Christ (Devotion)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Devotion to the Passion of Christ     See also THE PASSION OF CHRIST IN THE GOSPELS.     The sufferings of Our Lord, which culminated in His death upon the cross, seem to have… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 104The Malloreon — is a five part fantasy book series written by David Eddings, which follows The Belgariad. The Malloreon is set in the same world as The Belgariad, but expands on several aspects of the setting, especially the eastern continent of Mallorea.… …


  • 105The General series — The General (also known as the Raj Whitehall series, after the lead character) is a set of military science fiction books written by S.M. Stirling from an outline by David Drake. Clearly inspired by the Byzantine commander Belisarius, the series… …


  • 106The Rape of the Sabine Women — ( in this context meaning kidnapping ( raptio ) rather than its prevalent modern meaning of sexual violation) is an episode in the legendary early history of Rome narrated by Livy and Plutarch ( Parallel Lives II, 15 and 19). It provided a… …


  • 107The Sisters Grimm (novel series) — The Sisters Grimm is a children s fantasy series written by Michael Buckley and illustrated by Peter Ferguson. Contents 1 Overview 2 Books in the series 3 Main characters 4 …


  • 108sword — O.E. sweord, from P.Gmc. *swerdan (Cf. O.S., O.Fris. swerd, O.N. sverð, Swed. svärd, M.Du. swaert, Du. zwaard, O.H.G. swert, Ger. Schwert), related to O.H.G. sweran to hurt, from *swertha , lit. the cutting weapon, from PIE root …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 109The Seven-headed Serpent — is a Greek fairy tale collected, as Die Siebenkopfige Schlange, in Bernhard Schmidt s Griechische Mahrchen . Andrew Lang included it in The Yellow Fairy Book .ynopsisA king went on a sea voyage. His ship was blown to an island where they fought… …


  • 110The Master and Margarita —   …
