point aimed at

  • 41pin|point — «PIHN POYNT», noun, verb, adjective. –n. 1. the point of a pin. 2. something extremely small: »What diamonds you ll see are mostly tiny things, used to add a pinpoint of a sparkle to a watch face (New Yorker). 3. the exact location of something,… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 42mark — mark1 [märk] n. [ME < OE mearc, orig., boundary, hence boundary sign, hence sign, akin to Ger mark, boundary, boundary mark, marke, a token, mark < Gmc * marka < IE base * mereĝ , edge, boundary > L margo, MARGIN, OIr mruig,… …

    English World dictionary

  • 43home — /hohm/, n., adj., adv., v., homed, homing. n. 1. a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household. 2. the place in which one s domestic affections are centered. 3. an institution for the homeless …


  • 44home — /hoʊm / (say hohm) noun 1. a house, or other shelter that is the fixed residence of a person, a family, or a household. 2. a place of one s domestic affections. 3. (often upper case) an institution for the homeless, sick, etc. 4. the dwelling… …

  • 45P-38 can opener — Vietnam war era P 38 The P 38, developed in 1942,[1] is a small can opener issued in the canned field rations of the United States Armed Forces from World War II to the 1980s. Originally designed for and distributed in the …


  • 46home — [[t]hoʊm[/t]] n. adj. adv. v. homed, hom•ing 1) a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household 2) the place in which one s domestic affections are centered 3) an institution for people with… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 47home — [hōm] n. [ME < OE hām, akin to Ger heim < Gmc * haim < IE base * kei , to lie, homestead > HIDE3, Gr keisthai, to lie down, rest, L civis, townsman, ON heimr, home, Goth haima, OHG heim: basic sense “place where one lies; dwelling”] 1 …

    English World dictionary

  • 48Okot p'Bitek — (June 7, 1931 – July 20, 1982) was a Ugandan poet, who achieved wide international recognition for Song of Lawino, a long poem dealing with the tribulations of a rural African wife whose husband has taken up urban life and wishes everything to be …


  • 49till — {{11}}till (n.) cashbox, mid 15c., from Anglo Fr. tylle compartment, O.Fr. tille compartment, shelter on a ship, probably from O.N. þilja plank, floorboard, from P.Gmc. *theljon. The other theory is that the word is from M.E. tillen to draw, from …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 50home — n., adj., adv., & v. n. 1 a the place where one lives; the fixed residence of a family or household. b a dwelling house. 2 the members of a family collectively; one s family background (comes from a good home). 3 the native land of a person or of …

    Useful english dictionary