mean dwelling
1mean — mean1 [mēn] vt. meant [ment] meaning [ME menen < OE mænan, to mean, tell, complain, akin to Ger meinen, to have in mind, have as opinion < IE base * meino , opinion, intent > OIr mian, wish, desire] 1. to have in mind; intend; purpose… …
2abode — n 1. home, domicile, domicil, dwelling, dwelling place, dwelling home, residence, residency, habitation, habitancy, Scot, and North Eng. bigging, Scot. howff; lodging, lodgings, lodging place, lodgement or lodgment, nest, roost, perch; quarters,… …
3domicile — n 1. home, abode, residence, residency, dwelling, dwelling place, dwelling home, habitation, habitancy, Scot, and North Eng. bigging, Scot. howff, lodging, lodgings, lodging place, lodgement or lodgment, nest, roost, perch; quarters, living… …
4home — n 1. abode, domicile, domicil, dwelling, dwelling place, dwelling home, residence, residency, habitation, inhabitancy, Scot, and North Eng. bigging, Scot. howff; lodging, lodgings, lodging place, lodgement or lodgment, nest, roost, perch;… …
5residence — n 1. home, abode, domicile, domicil, dwelling, dwelling place, dwelling home, habitation, habitancy, residency, Scot, and North Eng. bigging, Scot. howff; lodging, lodgings, lodging place, lodgment, nest, roost, perch; quarters, living quarters,… …
6wickiup — /wik ee up /, n. 1. (in Nevada, Arizona, etc.) an American Indian hut made of brushwood or covered with mats. 2. Western U.S. any rude hut. Also, wickyup, wikiup. [1850 55, Amer.; earlier and still dialectally applied to the bark or mat covered… …
7hut — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. shack, shanty, hogan, hovel, shelter, cabin. See abode. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. shack, shanty, lean to, crib, bungalow, bunkhouse, refuge, lodge, hutch, igloo, dugout, hovel, cottage, cabin, A frame,… …
8shanty — n. Hut, hovel, shed, mean cabin, mean dwelling …
9Shanties — Shanty Shan ty, n.;pl. {Shanties}. [Said to be fr. Ir. sean old + tig. a house.] A small, mean dwelling; a rough, slight building for temporary use; a hut. [1913 Webster] …
10Shanty — Shan ty, n.;pl. {Shanties}. [Said to be fr. Ir. sean old + tig. a house.] A small, mean dwelling; a rough, slight building for temporary use; a hut. [1913 Webster] …