make inferences

  • 81Scene statistics — is a discipline within the field of perception. It is concerned with the statistical regularities related to scenes. It is based on the premise that a perceptual system is designed to interpret scenes. Biological perceptual systems have evolved… …


  • 82acquire — 01. Personally, I ve never really [acquired] a taste for whiskey. 02. The artist [acquired] a lot of useful art supplies while shopping in the big city. 03. The [acquisition] of a number of original paintings by Vincent van Gogh was a major… …

    Grammatical examples in English

  • 83suicide — Commonly defined as the intentional killing of oneself. Émile Durkheim , in his classic study Suicide (1897), defined it as ‘every case of death which results directly or indirectly from a positive or negative act, accomplished by the victim… …

    Dictionary of sociology

  • 84discourse — I. n. 1. (Rare.) Reason, reasoning faculty, reasoning. 2. Dissertation, treatise, disquisition, homily, sermon. 3. Conversation, talk, converse, oral communication, verbal intercourse. II. v. n. 1. Speak, expatiate, hold forth, deliver a… …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 85inference — [ˈɪnf(ə)rəns] noun [C] an opinion about something that is based on information that you already have It s impossible to make inferences from such a small sample.[/ex] …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 86guess — [[t]gɛs[/t]] v. t. 1) to commit oneself to an opinion about (something) without sufficient evidence; hazard: to guess a person s weight[/ex] 2) to estimate or conjecture about correctly: I guessed that would be the answer[/ex] 3) to believe, or… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 87fifth generation — /ˌfɪfθ dʒɛnəˈreɪʃən/ (say .fifth jenuh rayshuhn) noun a theoretical stage of computer development, in which computers would have certain desirable capabilities, such as the ability to learn from past experiences, to make inferences, to understand …

  • 88cerebrate — verb use or exercise the mind or one s power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments (Freq. 1) I ve been thinking all day and getting nowhere • Syn: ↑think, ↑cogitate • See Also: ↑think over (for …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 89sam|pling — «SAM plihng, SAHM », noun. 1. an act or process of taking samples; a testing or trying of anything by means of samples, especially in order to determine its quality or nature: »A second requirement in prospecting in any area is to find the… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 90Psychology (The separation of) from philosophy — The separation of psychology from philosophy Studies in the sciences of mind 1815–1879 Edward S.Reed THE IMPOSSIBLE SCIENCE Traditional metaphysics The consensus of European opinion during and immediately after the Napoleonic era was that… …

    History of philosophy