look to

  • 41look\ on — • look (up)on v 1. To regard; consider; think of. The stuff had always been looked on as a worthless factory waste. Until the day Bob made the touchdown, the other boys had looked upon him as rather a sissy. 2. To be an observer; watch without… …

    Словарь американских идиом

  • 42look up — look (something) up to check a fact or get information about something. If you don t know the meaning of the word, look it up in your dictionary. The research involved looking up how my opponent voted …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 43look in on — (someone) to visit someone briefly. The doctor said he d look in on you tomorrow …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 44look to be — (something) to have this appearance or characteristic. The waitress was a young woman who looked to be 20 or so. Her moves look to be much easier and more relaxed than in the past …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 45Look — Look: Das Fremdwort für ein »bestimmtes (modisches) Aussehen, eine Moderichtung« wurde in der Mitte des 20. Jh.s aus gleichbed. engl. look übernommen, wobei die spezielle, auf die Mode bezogene Bedeutung des Wortes im Engl. aus derselben Zeit… …

    Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • 46look up — [v1] research come upon, confirm, discover, find, hunt for, peruse, scan, search for, seek, seek out, track down; concepts 72,216 Ant. wing it look up [v2] improve advance, ameliorate, come along, convalesce, gain, get better, mend, perk up, pick …

    New thesaurus

  • 47look — (del inglés; pronunciamos luk ) sustantivo masculino 1. Aspecto exterior de una persona: Te sienta muy bien el nuevo look, con ese color tan pelirrojo …

    Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • 48look at — ► look at 1) regard in a specified way. 2) examine (a matter) and consider what action to take. Main Entry: ↑look …

    English terms dictionary

  • 49look in — ► look in make a short visit or call. Main Entry: ↑look …

    English terms dictionary

  • 50look on — ► look on watch without getting involved. Main Entry: ↑look …

    English terms dictionary