lack of trust

  • 51self-dis|trust — «SEHLF dihs TRUHST», noun. distrust of oneself; lack of confidence in one s own abilities …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 52doubt — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Indecision Nouns 1. doubt, dubiousness, dubiety; unbelief, skepticism, pyrrhonism, disbelief; agnosticism, irreligion; incredulity, discredit; credibility gap, image spill. See improbability, dejection.… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 53Credit default swap — If the reference bond performs without default, the protection buyer pays quarterly payments to the seller until maturity …


  • 54Organized crime — Crime syndicate redirects here. For the DC Comics group of villains, see Crime Syndicate. For other uses, see Organized crime (disambiguation). Al Capone, a name often associated with organized crime …


  • 55Open relationship — The Purple Mobius symbol for polyamory and non monogamy. An open relationship is an interpersonal relationship in which the parties want to be together but agree to a form of a non monogamous relationship.[1] This means that they agree that a… …


  • 56doubt — I (indecision) noun ambiguity, anxiety, apprehension, apprehensiveness, confusion, dubitatio, dubito, faltering, feeling of uncertainty, hesitancy, improbability, inability to decide, incertitude, indefiniteness, indeterminateness,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 57mistrust — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. & v. See distrust. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. distrust, wariness, skepticism, suspicion; see doubt 1 . v. Syn. suspect, distrust, scruple; see doubt 2 . III (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) I n. distrust,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 58Complex post-traumatic stress disorder — (C PTSD) is a psychological injury that results from protracted exposure to prolonged social and/or interpersonal trauma with lack or loss of control, disempowerment, and in the context of either captivity or entrapment, i.e. the lack of a viable …


  • 59JERUSALEM — The entry is arranged according to the following outline: history name protohistory the bronze age david and first temple period second temple period the roman period byzantine jerusalem arab period crusader period mamluk period …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 60List of The Dresden Files characters — The Dresden Files series features a diverse cast of complicated characters. Contents 1 Main characters 1.1 Harry Dresden 1.2 Karrin Murphy 1.3 Bob …
