inapplicable title

  • 111International law — is the term commonly used for referring to the system of implicit and explicit agreements that bind together nation states in adherence to recognized values and standards, differing from other legal systems in that it concerns nations rather than …


  • 112International copyright relations of Russia — The international copyright relations of Russia were virtually non existent in Tsarist Russia and during much of the history of the Soviet Union. Under the Tsars, only a few bilateral copyright treaties with other nations were concluded; these… …


  • 113Neopaganism in Germany and Austria — Neopaganism ( de. Neuheidentum ) in German speaking Europe has since its beginnings in the 1970s diversified into a wide array of traditions, particularly during the New Age boom of the 1980s.Schmid (2006) distinguishes four main currents:… …


  • 114List of copyright case law — The following is a list of cases that deal with issues of concern to copyright in various jurisdictions. Some of these cases are leading English cases as the law of copyright in various Commonwealth jurisdictions developed out of English law… …


  • 115ballad — balladic /beuh lad ik/, adj. balladlike, adj. /bal euhd/, n. 1. any light, simple song, esp. one of sentimental or romantic character, having two or more stanzas all sung to the same melody. 2. a simple narrative poem of folk origin, composed in… …


  • 116international law — the body of rules that nations generally recognize as binding in their conduct toward one another. Also called law of nations. Cf. private international law, public international law. [1830 40] * * * Body of legal rules, norms, and standards that …


  • 117logic, philosophy of — Philosophical study of the nature and scope of logic. Examples of questions raised in the philosophy of logic are: In virtue of what features of reality are the laws of logic true? ; How do we know the truths of logic? ; and Could the laws of… …


  • 118Life Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Zoology       In 2008 several zoological studies provided new insights into how species life history traits (such as the timing of reproduction or the length of life of adult individuals) are derived in part as responses to… …


  • 119alien — 1 / ā lē ən, āl yən/ adj [Latin alienus not one s own, foreign]: relating, belonging, or owing allegiance to another country or government alien 2 n: a foreign born resident who has not been naturalized and is still a subject or citizen of a… …

    Law dictionary

  • 120distinguish — dis·tin·guish vt: to identify or explain differences in or from distinguish ed the cases on factual grounds Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. distinguish …

    Law dictionary