in requital for or of

  • 111Structural history of the Roman military — The structural history of the Roman military describes the major chronological transformations in the organization and constitution of ancient Rome s armed forces, the most effective and long lived military institution known to history .… …


  • 112Lee Marrs — is best known for her comic book series, The Further Fattening Adventures of Pudge, Girl Blimp . Created from 1973 to 1978, it chronicles the Candide like journey of a young girl to get laid amid the turbulent 1960’s San Francisco. The framework… …


  • 113revenge — revengeless, adj. revenger, n. revengingly, adv. /ri venj /, v., revenged, revenging, n. v.t. 1. to exact punishment or expiation for a wrong on behalf of, esp. in a resentful or vindictive spirit: He revenged his murdered brother. 2. to take… …


  • 114reward — rewardable, adj. rewardableness, n. rewardably, adv. rewarder, n. rewardless, adj. /ri wawrd /, n. 1. a sum of money offered for the detection or capture of a criminal, the recovery of lost or stolen property, etc. 2. something given or received… …


  • 115contribution — con·tri·bu·tion n 1: payment of a share of an amount for which one is liable: as a: shared payment of a judgment by joint tortfeasors esp. according to proportional fault compare apportion a b: pro rata apportionment of loss among all the… …

    Law dictionary

  • 116exchange — ex·change n 1 a: a giving of something of value (as real property) in return for something of equal value (as money or property of a like kind) b in the civil law of Louisiana: a giving of something of value in return for something of equal value …

    Law dictionary

  • 117indemnity — in·dem·ni·ty /in dem nə tē/ n pl ties 1 a: security against hurt, loss, or damage b: exemption from incurred penalties or liabilities 2 a: indemnification (1) b: something (as a payme …

    Law dictionary

  • 118redress — re·dress /ri dres, rē ˌdres/ n 1 a: relief from distress b: a means of obtaining a remedy 2: compensation (as damages) for wrong or loss re·dress /ri dres/ vt Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of La …

    Law dictionary

  • 119quidnunc — n gossip, gossipmonger, rumormonger, newsmonger, newshound, scandalmonger, Sl. yenta, Archaic. flibbertigibbet; meddler, intermeddler, busybody, pry, Paul pry, snoop, Inf. snooper, Inf. busy, Inf. nosy, Inf. nosybody, Inf. nosy Parker, Inf.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 120excuse — I. transitive verb (excused; excusing) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French escuser, excuser, from Latin excusare, from ex + causa cause, explanation Date: 13th century 1. a. to make apology for b. to try to remove blame from 2. to… …

    New Collegiate Dictionary