in an awkward predicament

  • 81spotted — spot·ted || spÉ‘tɪd / spÉ’t adj. covered with spots, dotted, speckled, stained, blemished spÉ‘t /spÉ’t n. roundish stain, dot, speck; place; awkward or difficult situation, predicament; specific location, area; stain on one s reputation,… …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 82spotting — n. staining; sighting, discovery, identification spÉ‘t /spÉ’t n. roundish stain, dot, speck; place; awkward or difficult situation, predicament; specific location, area; stain on one s reputation, blemish; pimple (British); spotlight v. mark, dot …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 83jam — jam1 verb (jams, jamming, jammed) 1》 squeeze or pack tightly into a space.     ↘push roughly and forcibly into a position.     ↘crowd on to (a road or area) so as to block it. 2》 become or make unable to move or work due to a part becoming stuck …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 84dilemma — n. Quandary, strait, difficult choice, puzzling alternative, awkward or bad predicament …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 85bind — 1. verb 1) they bound our hands and feet Syn: tie (up), fasten (together), hold together, secure, make fast, attach; rope, strap, lash, fetter, truss, hog tie, tether Ant: untie …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 86fix — 1. verb 1) he fixed my washing machine Syn: repair, mend, put right, put to rights, get working, restore (to working order); overhaul, service, renovate, recondition 2) signs were fixed to utility poles Syn: f …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 87hole — noun 1) a hole in the roof Syn: opening, aperture, gap, space, orifice, vent, chink, breach, break; crack, leak, rift, rupture; puncture, perforation, cut, split, gash …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 88quandary — noun conflicting appointments left us in a quandary Syn: predicament, plight, difficult situation, awkward situation; trouble, muddle, mess, confusion, difficulty, dilemma, mare s nest; informal sticky situation, pickle, hole, stew, fix, bind,… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 89plight — I n condition, state, shape, situation, position, circumstances; predicament, dilemma, quandary, strait; juncture, crisis, emergency, extremity, exigency, pinch, Inf. squeeze; Inf. pickle, hole, bind, double bind, tight spot, box, corner,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 90fix — 1. verb 1) signs were fixed to lamp posts Syn: fasten, attach, affix, secure, connect, couple, link, install, stick, glue, pin, nail, screw, bolt, clamp, clip 2) …

    Synonyms and antonyms dictionary