hypocritical devoutness
1Sanctimony — Sanc ti*mo*ny, n. [L. sanctimonia, fr. sanctus holy: cf. OF. sanctimonie. See {Saint}.] Holiness; devoutness; scrupulous austerity; sanctity; especially, outward or artificial saintliness; assumed or pretended holiness; hypocritical devoutness.… …
2sanctimoniousness — sanc·ti mo·ni·ous·ness· || ‚sæŋktɪməʊnɪesnɪs n. self righteousness, hypocritical devoutness, quality of pretending to be pious …
3sanctimony — n. self righteousness, hypocritical devoutness, insincere piety …
4sanctimony — n. Affected holiness, hypocritical devoutness, pretence of holiness, sanctimoniousness …
5sanc|ti|mo|ny — «SANGK tuh MOH nee», noun. 1. a show of holiness; affected or hypocritical devoutness; airs of sanctity. 2. Obsolete. holiness; sanctity. ╂[< Old French sainctimonie, learned borrowing from Latin sānctimōnia < sānctus holy; see etym. under… …
6devout — [di vout′] adj. [ME < OFr devot < L devotus, devoted (in LL(Ec), devout): see DEVOTE] 1. very religious; pious 2. showing reverence 3. earnest; sincere; heartfelt devoutly adv. devoutness n. SYN. DEVOUT implies sincere, worshipful devotion… …
7Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… …
8religious — I (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Pertaining to religion] Syn. sacred, spiritual, holy, divine, theological, ethical, moral, ecclesiastical, clerical, canonical, supernatural, sacrosanct, churchly, liturgical, theistic, deistic, monotheistic,… …
9piousness — paɪəsnɪs n. devoutness, piety; religiousness, reverentness; state of being hypocritical; sanctimoniousness …
10devout — devout, pious, religious, pietistic, sanctimonious apply mainly to persons, their acts, and their words and mean showing fervor and reverence in the practice of religion. Devout stresses an attitude of mind or a feeling that leads one to such… …