hang fire

  • 91suspend — Synonyms and related words: abolish, abrogate, adjourn, annul, arrest, attach, blackball, boot, bounce, break, break off, bump, bust, can, cancel, cashier, cease, check, cleanse, cleanse away, continue, countermand, counterorder, cut off, dangle …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 92paralyze — v 1. numb, benumb, dull, deaden, anesthetize, freeze, drug, obtund; immobilize, disable, incapacitate, make powerless, prostrate, weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, cripple, lame, becripple. 2. shock, stagger, astound, astonish, stupefy, confound,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 93delay — Synonyms and related words: abide, adjourn, afterthought, arrest, arrestation, arrestment, await, backpedal, backwater, be a sideliner, be still, bide, bide the issue, bind, block, blockage, blocking, bog down, bottle up, brake, bureaucratic… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 94hold up — Synonyms and related words: adjourn, advertise, afford support, air, arrest, back, back up, backpedal, backwater, be consistent, be proof against, be the case, be true, be truthful, be unflappable, bear, bear out, bear up, bear up against, blazon …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 95suspend — [v1] hang from above append, attach, be pendent, dangle, depend, hang down, hang up, hook up, sling, swing, wave; concepts 181,190 Ant. rise suspend [v2] delay, hold off adjourn, arrest, bar, break up, can, cease, check, count out, cut short,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 96failure — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Nonperformance Nouns 1. failure, unsuccessfulness, nonsuccess, nonfulfillment; dead failure, abortion, miscarriage, malfunction, outage; bankruptcy (see nonpayment); labor in vain; no go; inefficacy;… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 97Ammunition — This article is about ammunition for firearms and artillery. For the product design company, see Ammunition Design Group. A belt of 0.50 caliber ammunition loaded to a …


  • 98hesitate — Synonyms and related words: alternate, back down, balance, balk, be dilatory, blench, boggle, call a recess, debate, delay, deliberate, demur, dither, equivocate, falter, fear, fight shy of, filibuster, flinch, fluctuate, fumble, gain time, halt …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 99hold off — Synonyms and related words: abstain, adjourn, be dilatory, beat back, beat off, blench, block, boggle, brush off, chase, chase away, chase off, check, continue, counter, cut, defer, delay, demur, dismiss, dispense with, do without, drag out,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 100Fighter aircraft — A fighter aircraft is a military aircraft designed primarily for air to air combat with other aircraft, as opposed to a bomber, which is designed primarily to attack ground targets by dropping bombs. Fighters are comparatively small, fast, and… …
