handle roughly

  • 61gibe — or jibe II [[t]dʒaɪb[/t]] v. gibed, gib•ing, n. 1) to utter mocking or scoffing words; jeer 2) to taunt; deride 3) a taunting or sarcastic remark • Etymology: 1560–70; perh. < MF giber to handle roughly, shake, der. of gibe staff, billhook… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 62manhandle — man•han•dle [[t]ˈmænˌhæn dl, mænˈhæn dl[/t]] v. t. dled, dling 1) to handle roughly 2) to move by human strength alone • Etymology: 1425–75 …

    From formal English to slang

  • 63mishandle — mis•han•dle [[t]mɪsˈhæn dl[/t]] v. t. dled, dling 1) to handle roughly; maltreat 2) to manage badly: to mishandle an estate[/ex] • Etymology: 1375–1425 …

    From formal English to slang

  • 64roughhouse — rough•house n. [[t]ˈrʌfˌhaʊs[/t]] v. [[t]also ˌhaʊz[/t]] n. pl. hous•es [[t] ˌhaʊ zɪz[/t]] 1) rough, disorderly play, esp. indoors 2) to engage in rough, disorderly play 3) to handle roughly but playfully • Etymology: 1885–90 …

    From formal English to slang

  • 65gibe — [c]/dʒaɪb / (say juyb) verb (gibed, gibing) –verb (i) 1. to utter mocking words; scoff; jeer. –verb (t) 2. to taunt; deride; flout. –noun 3. a taunting or sarcastic remark. Also, jibe. {? from Old French giber handle roughly, shake, from gibe… …

  • 66maltreat — /mælˈtrit / (say mal treet) verb (t) to treat badly; handle roughly or cruelly; abuse. {French maltraiter. See mal , treat (verb) –maltreatment, noun …

  • 67manhandle — /ˈmænhændl / (say manhandl) verb (t) (manhandled, manhandling) 1. to handle roughly: *SCG spectator manhandles England fast bowler –aap news, 2000. 2. to move by human effort, without mechanical appliances: *most {whales} were in very shallow… …

  • 68maul — /mɔl / (say mawl) noun 1. a heavy hammer as for driving piles. 2. Obsolete a heavy club or mace. 3. Rugby Union a loose scrum around the ball carrier. –verb (t) 4. to handle roughly; to injure by rough treatment. 5. (of animals) to attack… …

  • 69tousle — /ˈtaʊzəl / (say towzuhl) verb (t) (tousled, tousling) 1. to disorder or dishevel: his hair was tousled. 2. to handle roughly. –noun Rare 3. a tousled mass of hair. 4. a tousled condition; a disordered mass. {Middle English tousel; frequentative… …

  • 70maul — [v] mangle, abuse bang, bash, batter, beat, beat up, bludgeon, break face, buffet, claw, clean, drub, flagellate, flail, handle roughly, hit, hurt, ill treat, knock about*, knock around*, lacerate, lash, lean on*, let have it*, maltreat, molest,… …

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