expose to peril or risk

  • 121imperil — verb allowing access to the detainee would imperil national security Syn: endanger, jeopardize, risk, put in danger, put in jeopardy, expose to danger, hazard; threaten, pose a threat to; archaic peril …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 122exposure — n 1. disclosure, revelation, expose, uncovering, unmasking, unveiling, baring, laying open; airing, publication, broadcast, report, communication; divulgement, leak, admission, confession, avowal. 2. endangerment, jeopardy, hazard, risk, openness …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 123jeopardize — v put in jeopardy, endanger, imperil, peril, menace, threaten, expose or lay open to danger, have [s.t.] at stake; hazard, venture, risk, stake, bet, gamble; chance, take a chance, tempt fate, sail too near the wind, fly too close to the sun …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 124venture — n 1. risky undertaking, enterprise, experiment, adventure, mission; speculation, plunge, gamble, leap in the dark; chance, big chance, long shot. v 2. risk, endanger, expose to danger, hazard, peril, imperil, jeopardize, jeopard, put in jeopardy; …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 125compromise — [n] agreement, give and take accommodation, accord, adjustment, arrangement, bargain, compact, composition, concession, contract, copout*, covenant, deal, fifty fifty*, half and half, half measure, happy medium*, mean, middle course, middle… …

    New thesaurus

  • 126exposure — [n] uncovering; putting in view or danger acknowledgment, airing, baring, betrayal, confession, defenselessness, denudation, denunciation, disclosure, display, divulgence, divulging, exhibition, exposé, giveaway, hazard, introduction, jeopardy,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 127imperil — [v] cause to be in danger chance it, compromise, endanger, expose, hazard, jeopard, jeopardize, jeopardy, menace, peril, risk; concept 240 Ant. guard, protect, save …

    New thesaurus