essential circumstance

  • 91Monarchy of the Netherlands — Monarch of Kingdom of the Netherlands Monarchy Federal …


  • 92Legal and medical status of cannabis — Contents 1 Albania 2 Australia 3 Austria 4 Belgium …


  • 93The Missing Shade of Blue — is an example introduced by the Scottish philosopher David Hume to show that it is at least conceivable that the mind can generate an idea without first being exposed to the relevant sensory experience. It is regarded as a problem by philosophers …


  • 94joint disease — Introduction       any of the diseases or injuries that affect human joints (joint). arthritis is no doubt the best known joint disease, but there are also many others. Diseases of the joints may be variously short lived or exceedingly chronic,… …


  • 95Adultery — • The article considers adultery with reference only to morality Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Adultery     Adultery     † …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 96cause — 1 n 1: something that brings about an effect or result the negligent act which was the cause of the plaintiff s injury ◇ The cause of an injury must be proven in both tort and criminal cases. actual cause: cause in fact in this entry but–for… …

    Law dictionary

  • 97Stoicism — Stoicism1 Brad Inwood 1 FROM SOCRATES TO ZENO More than eighty years passed between the death of Socrates in 399 BC and the arrival in Athens of Zeno in 312. Athenian society had undergone enormous upheavals, both political and social. The Greek… …

    History of philosophy

  • 98Sufism — This article is part of the series …


  • 99Śūnyatā — Śūnyatā, शून्यता (Sanskrit noun from the adj. sūnya void ), Suññatā (Pāli; adj. suñña ), stong pa nyid (Tibetan), Kuu, 空 (Japanese), Gong seong, 공성(空性) (Korean), qo ɣ usun (Mongolian) meaning Emptiness or Voidness , is a characteristic of… …


  • 100Iraq — /i rak , i rahk /, n. a republic in SW Asia, N of Saudi Arabia and W of Iran, centering in the Tigris Euphrates basin of Mesopotamia. 22,219,289; 172,000 sq. mi. (445,480 sq. km). Cap.: Baghdad. Also, Irak. * * * Iraq Introduction Iraq Background …
