descriptive term

  • 101Racial and ethnic demographics of the United States — legend|#0075ff|Germanlegend|#d93190|Puerto RicanThe United States is a diverse country racially and ethnically. [cite web |url= profile/2000/chap16.pdf |title=OUR DIVERSE POPULATION: Race and Hispanic Origin,… …


  • 102Universal Intelligence — is a term used by some to describe what they see as organization, or order of the universe. It has been described as the intrinsic tendency for things to self organize and co evolve into ever more complex, intricately interwoven and mutually… …


  • 103Co-occurrence networks — are generally used to provide a graphic visualization of potential relationships between people, organizations, concepts or other entities represented within written material. The generation and visualization of co occurrence networks has become… …


  • 104Nīþ — For the cursing pole, see Nithing pole. In historical Germanic society, nīþ (Old Norse: níð; Old English: nīþ, nīð); was a term for a social stigma implying the loss of honour and the status of a villain. A person affected with the stigma is a… …


  • 105Treaty — The first two pages of the Treaty of Brest Litovsk, in (left to right) German, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Ottoman Turkish and Russian A treaty is an express agreement under international law entered into by actors in international law, namely… …


  • 106Pharisees — The word Pharisees (lat. pharisæ|us , i ) comes from the Hebrew פרושים perushim from פרוש parush , meaning separated [Ernest Klein Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language ] . The Pharisees were, depending on the time, a… …


  • 107Polysynthetic language — Polysynthetic languages are highly synthetic languages, i.e. languages in which words are composed of many morphemes. DefinitionThe degree of synthesis refers to the morpheme to word ratio. Languages with more than one morpheme per word are… …


  • 108Nicolae Iorga — Iorga redirects here. For the village in Botoşani County, see Manoleasa. Nicolae Iorga Nicolae Iorga in 1914 (photograph published in Luceafărul) Prime Minister of Romania …


  • 109Deadbeat parent — is a term referring to obligor parents of either gender that have freely chosen not to be a financially supportive parent in their children s lives. Primarily used in the US and Canada, the gender specific deadbeat dad and deadbeat mom are… …


  • 110Binitarianism — is a Christian theology of two personae, two individuals, or two aspects in one Godhead (or God), as opposed to one (Unitarianism) or three (Trinitarianism). Classically, it is understood as strict monotheism that is, that God is an absolutely… …
